The Importance of Talk (Continued)
Wieder distinguishes the indexicality and reflexivity of talk:
While one could propose an analysis of the code as...something like a narrative which is offered by the tour guide of a museum or the narration for a travelogue film, to do so would be misleading... In the travelogue story of a voyage, one encounters the story shown on the screen and the identifications, explanations, and descriptions of the narrative heard over a loud speaker as discrete occurrences--narrative and picture. One hears the narrative as an outside commentary on the events depicted visually...The narrative begins with the beginning of the film and "completes itself" by the end. Whoever speaks on the sound track is doing narration. Typically, explanations are juxtaposed to the scenic occurrences they explain. Finally, one listens to the narration and sees the film passively as a depicted scene for one's enjoyment or idntification, not as an object that one must necessarily actively encounter and immediately deal with.