In view of changes in the student profile and the overall shortage of bedspaces in the coming 2-3 years, changes in the admission and allocation criteria for the year 2008-09 have been proposed. Amendments will be made in the light of these changes and with a view to striking a balance between taking care of the overall interest of the students and the University, and maintaining a reasonable mix of students from different backgrounds. A very controversial issue is the ratio between bedspaces allocated to local residents with no hall experience and bedspaces allocated to local returning residents.

ˇ§More bed spaces will be provided for students without hall experienceˇ¨ has become a great concern among local residents and Residentsˇ¦ Associations. The UGC stipulates that all undergraduate students should be given the opportunity to stay in student hostels for at least one year of their 3-year programmes. To maximize resources for the education of undergraduate students, it is proposed to adjust the allocation procedures so as to keep more bedspaces for students without hall life experience. For students who have already lived in the Student Residence in previous year(s), the 1-in-3 years policy goal has been achieved. Nevertheless, it is also important to take returning residents in order to contribute to cultivating the hall culture and mentoring new residents.


Undergraduate Hall Allocation to Local Students
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