China will host the Olympic Games for the first time in 2008 and Hong Kong will share this historic moment by being a co-host city. The equestrian events for the Games of the XXIX Olympiad will be held in Hong Kong in August 2008. About 150 volunteers and event organisers from all over the world will live in our student residence in July and August 2008. They are all professional organizers of equestrian events and we are so proud that Equestrian Events (Hong Kong) of the Olympic Games Company Ltd. has chosen us to support the Events.

A Volunteer from CityU
Alex is a year 3 CityU student majoring in International Studies. He served as a volunteer in Spectator Services in the test event of the Olympic Games in Aug 2007. During the 3-day competition, he had to start working at 3 oˇ¦clock in the morning because the games started at around 5 am. But he thinks this is a ˇ§once-in-a-lifetime opportunityˇ¨ for him to participate in the Olympic Games. Alex and other volunteers took part in various kinds of training, such as venue visits, conversation practice and lectures. And he is going to serve and learn more in the summer.

Olympic Equestrian Events
The Olympic Equestrian Events comprise 3 disciplines - Dressage, Jumping and Eventing.

"We Are Ready" for the Olympic Equestrian Events

By Daisy Miao (Chan Sui Kau Hall)
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