March 8th, the day which belongs to women, comes to the world with the sunshine of the spring.

Women¡¦s Day, A Herstory
On March 8th 1857, to fight against the exploitation and discrimination of the bourgeoisie, the workwomen of New York staged a notable protest. Their fight won the great support of women all over the world. Since the UN¡¦s first celebration of Women¡¦s Day in 1975, March 8th has become a special day to celebrate all the achievements of women.

Celebration Events
On this day, countless events will be held to recognise women¡¦s rights and participation, and to celebrate their achievements. Of course, flowers are a must for such an important day and men will give them to the women in their life. Also, in some countries, this day is treated as Mother¡¦s Day, when children give small gifts to their mothers and grandmothers.

Women Nowadays
In the old days, someone said that if men are the sun which illuminates the world, women are like the moon which can only borrow light from the sun. But how many people agree with that nowadays? It is clear that the contributions made by women to the whole of society cannot be ignored. Especially in the new century, women have their own ideals and purposes.

A continuing problem
Nevertheless, in some remote or not very developed areas, women still suffer
the oppression of feudal regulations. We should make more effort so that
these women become the dazzling sun!

Women are the moon? No Longer!
¡@¡@--In Celebration of Women¡¦s Day

By Wan Dian, Winnie (HSBC Prosperity Hall)
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