By YANG Jiahui, Kary (Jockey Club Humanity Hall)
Every small effort counts for success and eventually the hard work will pay off. To encourage residents’ active participation in hall activities and to recognise their achievements in academic studies, each hall has established a hall scholarship scheme to foster a strong sense of belonging to the residence community and motivate residents to pursue all-round development.
Different halls have different criteria for applicants. But the main principles for the selection are similar. They include outstanding academic achievements or improvements, significant contributions to residential life, and personal qualities. The scholarship amount will offset the hall fee for the following semester.
Here is a typical example and role model for potential applicants. Pang Pei, Phoena is currently a year 2 student majoring in Computer Science. She got Jockey Club Academy Hall (Hall 4) Academian Scholarships (2008-09) when she was in her Foundation Year. Confident, committed and caring, Phoena makes herself excel all the way and enjoys helping others. She was the Financial Vice-President of Hall 4’s Resident’s Association (2008-09). Though busy with planning and organising activities, she was on the Dean’s list for the whole academic year and still is. As a member of the City-Youth Empowerment Project, Phoena did tutoring for pupils on a regular basis. To her, balanced development in intellectual and social life as well as community service are important. |
After being awarded as a hall scholarship recipient, she continued her contributions to Academy Hall by organising Language Corners in Common Rooms to help her international and local hallmates improve their English and Mandarin skills. Many of her hallmates, after attending the activities, showed much enthusiasm for learning new languages and teaching English to other peers. Now, Phoena is working hard towards her next goal of making more achievements and gaining other scholarship awards.
A key to success is to be prepared. Last semester many residents, like Phoena, strived for excellence. It’s time for appreciation and recognition. Check out the SRO website about hall scholarships and the application details. The application deadline is 31 March 2011. |
ResLink Issue No.32
Feb 2011 |
