Sometimes we are lazy about taking a bath or washing our clothes in such cold weather, aren’t we? Some of us may use a lot of perfume and enjoy the fragrance. Right, we may look good, but we do not feel good. We feel greasy and our body responds badly. Similarly, our residence hall is our body and we need to treasure our residence hall.
We are growing up in our Student Residence day by day while we are studying here. At the same time, the surrounding germs and bacteria, which we cannot see with our naked eyes, are consuming our waste and growing day by day. We need to kill them so that they cannot harm our health. So what should we do? |
It is not by any chance that the Student Residence has called for a cleaning campaign. All residents can collect, at the security counter in your Hall, a cleansing pack that includes a bottle of 300 ml bleach solution and a cleansing cloth. You may also notice a cleansing brush for the toilet and a broom set has also been provided in your bathroom. These are tools for you to create a clean home for yourself and fight against the germs around you. You are suggested to use a diluted 1:99 bleach solution for cleaning at least once a day. What are the target areas? Well, as you know, the toilet, bathroom, floor, washbasins, common room utensils and all touched surfaces like door-handles and table surfaces should be carefully maintained hygienically every day.
Feel lonely and not so motivated to clean around? You have a lot of friends to join you. Invite your roommate and floor-mates and have fun with them starting up your cleaning campaign. What are the benefits? When we disinfect things around us, we stay healthy. We feel good. We refresh our minds. Cleaning up is a sort of physical exercise, which shapes our body and refreshes our mind.
The Student Residence is our home. Be hygienic and keep your Hall clean!