By Sunny DENG (JC Academy Hall)
I’ve been living in the Student Residence for two years and I enjoy the comfortable residential life provided by the Student Residence a lot. But according to my past experience, this pleasant life can be ruined if you encounter situations like these:
- "Oh, I lost my USB memory stick! It carries all my assignments! I must have left it in the computer room in the residence. But now I can’t find it! ”
- "My food in the fridge has been stolen!”
- "Oh dear! I left my key card in my room. ”
- "The fire-alarm is ringing, what should I do? I’m so scared!”
I hope these bad things won’t happen to you, but they might if you stop reading my article here. Actually, we can prevent them from happening, and even if they happen, we can also reduce our loss. Here are some safety tips for you:
DOdouble check whether you have already collected all your valuable personal property before you leave.
lock up the door and windows of your room when you are out.
pack your food into a tied bag and then mark your name on it before you put it into the fridge.
report any loss or theft immediately.
This will ensure the campus authorities are aware of problems and can take specific measures to address them.DO
switch off all the electric equipments in your room when you’re leaving.
forget to participate in the regular fire drills. You will learn what to do when a fire happens.
leave valuables unattended in areas such as common rooms and computer rooms within the residence.
forget your key card when you’re out.
allow visitors to stay after 12:00 midnight. Our campus is an open campus located right in a city. Hall access and visitor control are necessary. Local parents expect that the university is held responsible for the safety and well-being of their children residing on campus. The visiting hours (8:00am-12:00midnight) and quiet period (11pm-7:00am) will protect the residents’ privacy.
Remember these safety tips and be a smarter resident!