By Jason JIANG (Lee Shau Kee Hall)
Greetings! We are the ResLink Editorial Board, a group of passionate students from the Student Residence. Welcome to becoming readers of ResLink! It’s the very beginning of the 2009/2010 academic year, so are you ready to create for yourself a fruitful hall life?
For new residents, if you want to adjust to the new environment as soon as possible, connect with others through communication and interaction. Stay open-minded in communicating with your roommate about common issues and bridging differences, such as study habits, room setting, hosting room guests, noise level, etc. Do not hesitate to ask returning residents for ideas about making the best use of hall life. If they are not in a hurry, they will be very happy to help with your problems or show you around. What’s more, if you are an English or Putonghua speaker, they will be happy to practice with you. Find out the Residence Tutor and Floor Representative for your floor and check with them about the forthcoming floor and hall activities. Attend the floor meetings and gatherings, which are very good opportunities to interact and make friends with your floormates.
ResLink is an online newsletter and it has been serving more than 2,900 residents since October 2007. We write residence news, tips about enjoying residence life, information about coming hall activities and tips about wellness and sustainability, in order to provide residents with a platform to share the stories of others and enrich their residence life. You are welcome to send us your suggestions and stories.
We have seven members serving you now:
Angel CHAN, JC Harmony Hall,Translation & Interpretation, Year 3
Sunny DENG, JC Academy Hall, English for Professional Communication, Year 2
Jason JIANG, Lee Shau Kee Hall, Electronic Engineering, Year 3
Ashwathi KUMAR, JC Harmony Hall, E-Commerce, Year 2
Angela LIU, Chan Sui Kau Hall,Translation & Interpretation, Year 3
Gaargi SHARMA, Alumni Civility Hall, Global Business Systems Management, Year 2
Esther LEE, Student Residence OfficeThe new semester has begun and different hall activities held by Residents’ Associations, Residence Tutors and SRO are coming soon. Joining your Hall’s orientation activities is a good start to get to know your Hall and new friends. Try your best to support your Hall and enjoy a wonderful hall life! Don’t forget to keep abreast of updated news by reading ResLink and checking out the EBS of SRO!