Moving From One Home To Another




By Gaargi SHARMA (Alumni Civility Hall)

Right from my arrival at CityU, a countdown began to the end of the academic year. First it was a year till the end, then months, then weeks, and now finally, only a few more days. Who would have thought that the year would end so quickly? Who would have believed that life out here would be so homely? Most of us left our homes to come to the Student Residence in order to experience something new. How right we were! Life at the Student Residence has added new dimensions to the thoughts of one and all of us.

Before coming to the Student Residence, I was very nervous. I had a list of questions - who will be my roommate? What will my floor-mates be like? Will I get along well with them? Will I be able to adjust to the entirely different life in the Hall? Will I be homesick? The questions seemed never-ending and the answers came only after I stepped into the premises of the residence! Nervousness was replaced with a new vigour of confidence! I started to meet new people each day and began learning new things from each one. And now I can positively say that I have found a new home. I refuse to call this place a Student Residence while talking to others. ”„Home”¦ is a more apt word!

After gaining so much from my home in Hong Kong, now the time has come to return to our homes. While some may be lucky to live here for the summer and continue enjoying life over here, some will go back and return when the new academic year (2009-2010) commences. There will also be some exchange students and graduates who won”¦t return to the Student Residence in the following year but they will surely cherish all the good memories that they will take back home.

Most of us will be experiencing ambivalent emotions. There will be happiness to see our families. At the same time, there will be a little bit of sadness to leave this new home with all our friends and loved ones. There will be excitement to notice the changes that will have taken place back home. These brimming emotions will be unbounded.

To me and other returning student residents, the summer break will begin another
countdown--a countdown to mark the return to my ”„home in Hong Kong”¦!
