With the Prize Presentation Ceremony on 16 April 2009 in Wei Hing Theatre, the Inter-hall Competitions of the Professor Edmond Ko Cup 2008-09, a traditional competition between 9 halls, were officially over. The Inter-hall Singing Competition, the final stage of the inter-hall competitions, was also held then. On that night, every resident put on hall T-shirts to represent their Halls. Huge banners, cheering slogans, whistles and fluorescents sticks were everywhere. Flash lights together with the singing of the hall representatives, brought the atmosphere to a climax.

During the Inter-hall Singing Contest, all singers, either solo or in groups, gave impressive performances. Dr Ian Chow, also a former Residence Tutor (RT), commented ¡°it is a competition in which they should choose the song that can highlight their voices, instead of taking a risk picking songs they are not familiar with.¡±

¡°The final marks among some of the contestants were so close that we could hardly make a decision to decide the champion of the singing contest,¡± added Dr Ruth Yee, ¡°but the result was finally decided after a thoughtful discussion between the judges.¡± She emphasized that the sportsmanship of every participant who had taken part in the Contest was far more meaningful than any prizes.¡±

The climax of the night was when the overall champion of the Professor Edmond Ko Cup (2008-09) was announced. Dr Lin (Residence Master of Hall 8) and Dr Yeung (Residence Master of Lee Shau Kee Hall) brought their family members onto the stage to present the Cup to the overall champion. Everyone in the audience held their breath, staring at the projector that showed the final scores of the 9 halls, when the results of the Singing Contest were announced. ¡°The overall champion of the Professor Edmond Ko Cup this year is Jockey Club Humanity Hall (Hall 1)¡±. It was the first time that Hall 1 had won the Cup. .


Residents of Hall 1, including the Residents¡¯ Association ¡°Born in One¡±, RTs and Hall Master, all shared their joy when they heard the news. There was hugging, cheering, some of them even had tears in their eyes. One of the organisers of the Contest from Hall 1 responded, ¡°contributions from all residents of Hall 1 really produced the success. The degree of participation is somehow the crucial factor in winning the championship. The Cup not only represents efforts made by every member of our Hall, but is also a great motivation to encourage residents to be involved more in residence activities.¡±


When Victor, the President of the RA of JC Academy Hall, was sharing his feelings about his Hall capturing the Cup last year, he remarked that inter-hall competitions emphasised promoting sportsmanship and hall spirit. Applause should also go to those who had participated in or organized the competitions. The championship does not belong to one Hall but to all who have been involved and tasted the hall spirit and sportsmanship.