In winter days, you may be ruffled by the strong wind which messes up your hair when you walk across the lawn at the Student Residence. Now, you should be very satisfied to see that the wind is blowing, because it helps to bring light and safety at night to the SR!

















The noticeable tower on the lawn with a spiral spinning whenever there are breezes is actually a power generation system called ¡°Kaze-Kamome¡±, meaning ¡°wind seagull¡±. It is called that because the solar panels on the top evoke the image of a seagull floating gracefully in the wind. It combines a wind turbine and solar cells not only to generate power and illuminate auxiliary lighting, but also, being on the lawn, to serve as emergency lighting and power, especially for emergency evacuation.

Kaze-Kamome may be new to you but it was already used in the 2004 Athens Olympics. It¡¯s been standing on our lawn since December 2008. The above allows you to familiarize yourself with e
ach of its parts.

In addition to the solar-and-wind tower to generate renewable electricity, the Student Residence has been developed with other environmentally-friendly living devices and practices for students. The Phase III Project of JC Harmony Hall and Hall 9 was constructed with  a solar lighting system outside Multi-function Hall C, sun shading devices in the Common Rooms and an upgraded drainage system to prevent the spread of disease. Green campaigns are held by Homey Kitchen, such as ¡°Bring Your Own¡±, to encourage residents to bring their own bags and reusable containers. Residents are guided with a 3-R principle ¡°Recycle, Reduce, Reuse¡± - to adopt a green life style. For instance, they are encouraged to separate their domestic waste through the recycling bins located on each floor, and to donate reusable items (e.g. clothes and domestic appliances) to the needy by dropping the items into a large recycling box placed at the covered areas between JC Academy Hall and Chan Sui Kau.


To create a green home and help save energy, start revisiting your life habits and making use of the existing green resources! Love green and love the Student Residence!