Heroes Behind The Scenes-Gardeners


By Angela LIU (Chan Sui Kau Hall)





People always find it hard to catch a tiny piece of spring in the downtown area, but a miracle is happening in our student residence, located exactly at the centre of Kowloon. Here, grass is green, gentle breeze is blowing, flowers are blooming. Why? Because we have some magicians ---- the hard-working gardeners.

Like the cleaners and security staff, the gardeners in our residence also have a clear division of labour. Some of them are responsible for watering while others are in charge of planting and pruning. No matter how extreme the weather is, their regular work never stops. Although sometimes naughty students who throw trash on the lawn or pick flowers make them frustrated, they still enjoy providing beautiful scenery for us. One interesting thing they mentioned was that sometimes they find bird nests in the trees. ¡§It makes us feel closer to nature,¡¨ said a gardener.

A friend of mine, from another university in Hong Kong, told me that the verdant lawn in front of CityU residence halls is the most impressive thing in our residence. ¡§How comfortable it is to sit down, enjoy the sunshine and feel the gentle breeze when talking to friends or just relaxing¡¨, he said. Hearing this, I was proud of our livable environment which is the fruit of the gardeners¡¦ hard work.

Nowadays, in a city made of reinforced concrete, the more skyscrapers we have, the further we are away from nature. So the beauty we already have is the treasure that we need to cherish. Remember the ¡§offering, sharing and enjoying¡¨ principle in the student residence? Offer your consideration, share with your friends and enjoy nature.
We need your action to keep the spring here, for all time.