Morning Tai Chi (清晨太極), a healthy exercise instructed by an experienced and qualified master, will make you energetic for the whole day by giving you a good start in the early morning.
Tea and Chinese classical music are two shining stars in the sky of history. Come and enjoy the Tea Appreciation Workshop (四季樂茶軒) with music performances. You will find a haven of tranquility in your hectic life.
R-Registered Dietitian
Were you once worried when you wanted to have a healthy diet but didn’t know much about vitamins or trace elements? This won’t bother you any more, if you attend the Talk on Healthy Food given first by a U.S. Registered Dietitian ---- Ms Heidi Chan.
C-Competition and Cooperation
Join the Healthy Snacks Competition, cooperate with your friends and design your healthy food recipe as well as sharing the fun of cooking.
H- Hiking
This is an elaborately designed trip. In the Ecological Hiking Tours to Sheung Yiu and Hoi Ha (上窰海下生態文化之旅) organised by JC Academy Hall, you can not only strengthen your physical health, but also enhance your understanding of Chinese culture by visiting Sheung Yiu Folk Museum and learn to protect the ecological environment by enjoying the special scenery, such as butterflies, unique
coastal plants and even the corals under the nearby Hoi Wa Wan.

March, 2009

We all know that “The whole year’s work depends on a good start in spring”, and so does the student residence. Every March, a series of healthy activities is organised to enrich our university life and promote the wellness message. All the elaborately designed activities above are perfect for the theme of 2009:“From Ordinary to Extra-ordinary, Let’s celebrate the Silver Jubilee 隱逸出塵,康盛銀禧”. Let’s enjoy them and celebrate the Silver Jubilee of CityU!



Forthcoming Wellness March Programmes

By Angela LIU (Chan Sui Kau Hall)
What is March?

Only vast green lawn, colourful blooming flowers and endless gentle breeze?
--Of course not. Here is what M-A-R-C-H really means: