Are you ready to enjoy your hall life in the coming semester? No matter whether you are interested in sports or arts, the competitions for the Professor Edmond Ko Cup are your best choice to enrich your hall life and contribute to your hall as a team member, event organiser or cheering team member.

After the semester break, the Photography Competition continues. Three innovative elements are worth noting. From now on, the theme of each year¡¦s competition will be named after a certain hall. For example, humanity, based on "Jockey Club Humanity Hall¡¨, has been adopted as the theme for 2008-2009. This enhances residents¡¦ understanding of their halls. Another element is that an entry can be a short story consisting of several photos, which makes the format more flexible and interesting. Moreover, a new convenient voting method is employed so that all the residents can vote online on the Blackboard for ¡§My Favourite Photo¡¨. If you appreciate the beauty of life, don¡¦t hesitate to take up your camera and submit your independent photo or short photo story by 12 Feb 2009.

Other competitions designed for sports fans are also coming soon. The Inter-hall Basketball League, starting on 8 February and beginning at almost the same time as the NBA All-Star Game, will give you a chance to realize your own star dream. There is a male team and a female team in each hall, and they will compete to be champions. As a double bonus, you can build up your health when earning scores for your Hall in the Professor Edmond Ko Cup. So come to the outdoor court and try to dominate the game. Enclosing yourself in a small room is just a waste of the sunny spring.

As the Chinese saying goes, ¡§the whole year¡¦s work depends on a good
start in spring.¡¨ So please cherish the warm sunshine and the blue sky,
come out and enjoy the activities that the Student Residence has
prepared for you. You can not only win honour for your Hall and
enhance the hall spirit, but also gain experience of
team work and multicultural communication.











Upcoming Inter-Hall Competitions