Yip Yuen Yuk Hing Hall (Hall 8) and
Jockey Club House Active Resident Award
Mr. Cephas Simon Peter Dak-Adzaklo

My name is Cephas Simon Peter Dak-Adzaklo, a Ghanaian and a PhD candidate of the department of Accountancy. I am one of the winners of the 2018/2019 Yip Yuen Yuk Hing Hall (Hall 8) active resident award. I felt really, really proud. It was a nice feeling seeing that I did nothing except that I accepted and immersed myself in the opportunities and experiences offered by SRO intended to care for students mentally, physically, emotionally, and relationally during their time in the hall of residence. In my view, SRO offer the necessary recipe for our academic life-health and well-being. They do this by running incredible programs, events, and connecting students with one another. In fact, SRO has the complete package for an excellent academic life. Recognizing this fact, I pledged to be involved and participate in the activities organized by SRO. Accordingly, I participated in the PEK games, an annual event involving several sport disciplines, performed at the welcoming ceremony among others. This not only provide me with many benefits including good health, a sense of belongingness, academic excellence but the external recognition such as the active resident award.

As the semester has started with the high volume of coursework, meeting deadlines, meeting supervisors, and the countless other demands and responsibilities that you will have to manage and navigate as a student, SRO got your back. First, SRO offer students the opportunity to take a break from school work and spend a few hours trying a new activity! This offer a great way to connect with students within and outside of one own’s department. For me, it has been an important part of achieving balance and my self-care regiment as a student. Some of the events include board games, hiking, movie shows, skating, indoor and outdoor games, sight-seeing, horse racing and much more. Second, there are seminars and workshops where practitioners and self-achieved persons are invited to share their experiences and achievements. This provides support and guidance on range of topics and can help refine self-care routine, and develop strategies to manage challenges beyond the faculty.

Finally, SRO has a friendly and listening staff who are ready to provide any assistance you may need. From the hall master to hall tutors to security and cleaners, everyone believes in the beauty of oneness and are ready to connect and share. I am always intrigue by the amount of love, care and support I receive from here. It’s natural. Overall, life in the hall is one of a paradise and home away from home. To the new students and returning students, I say congratulations and welcome. Hope you enjoy your stay in the hall. Thank you.