Chan Sui Hung Best Student Awards
Jockey Club Harmony Hall (Hall 7)
Miss HE Xinxuan, Soniter

My third year as a member of the BIG FAMILY of Hall 7 has just begun. I can still recall that I had great admiration for the hall scholarship awardees when I entered CityU. The freshman year always comes to an end more quickly than you thought, yet my second year of hall life taught me valuable lessons on organizing activities.

Hall life is diverse, filled with sports, art, performance, field trips, cooking, and many other funny types of stuff. I tried to be the most passionate supporter of all of the activity organizers, Hall Management Team, the Residence Association, Hall Scholars, and the SRO. At the beginning of Year 2, I started with running for the floor representative, helping holding the co-floor dessert night and the floor decoration. PEK Cup has been the largest activity across the entire academic year. I watched almost every PEK game, cheered for the great athletes, and sometimes worked as the photographer and the back-up. Also, I applied my strengths and teamwork skills to assist in other events. For the newcomers this year, you might have visited the booth of our hall at the past Joint-Hall Mid-Autumn Celebration. I also represented Hall 7 as a booth helper and a dance performer for the festivals last year.

The most significant contribution to the hall of mine was holding the Vice President of the Non-Local Residents Board. As stated in the name of the Board, we aimed to enrich the hall lives of non-local residents. The tram party was the most exciting event for me. Tram represents the history of Hong Kong, introducing the past stories to foreigners. With the music and snacks, I enjoyed the trip and chit-chat more than feeling like a staff with stressful tasks. In addition to that, we planned to make a keepsake for all residents. To capture the memory of having the hallmates, we established a photo-taking for residents living in Hall 7 last year, and printed hundreds of copies for everyone. It was one of the most difficult plans that I’ve accomplished.

The efforts I paid have brought this surprising result and some potential improvements. It is such a great honor to be the “Best Student” of Hall 7. Taking an active part in residence life has offered precious learning opportunities for me to practice my leadership, communication, and management skills. Never regret to strive, because you will see not only self-validation, but also your contributions being approved.