Jockey Club Harmony Hall (Hall 7) Scholarships
Miss CHAN, Chi Ki

Who am I? I am a young girl having a strong pursuit of everything I am interested in. I am a curious student who enjoys getting along with people and finding out what people think. I am a resident of Jockey Club Harmony Hall who has experienced an abundant hall life and has the ambition to contribute more in the coming year.
My hall life did not start with a good beginning since I had to be independent and responsible to look after myself. The processes of solving problems in daily life were like the epitome of my future livelihood when I was filled with frustration and helplessness, I knew that I could not give up easily to figure out and look for a breakthrough. Despite the help from my roommate and hallmates, I could gradually adapt to this new environment as they always invite me to have dinner, play board games, watch Netflix movies and have hotpot gathering together. Experience and memories in this big family have not only urged me to build friendships with my hallmates but also inspired me to continue the spirit and culture to freshmen in this semester.

What is more, I took part in most of the large-scale hall activities, some of the inter-hall sports competitions and celebrated different festivals with my hallmates last year which built up my sense of belonging in my residence hall. Being a helper of Registration Day, Orientation Camp and Halloween Night paved my way to fruitful hall life by bringing people together and sharing my thoughts. By working in collaboration with my hallmates, not only did I acquire communication skills and broaden my horizons, but I also learnt how to deal with arguments and conflicts. As an active but ordinary student, I am proud of being a part of Hall 7 and cherish the time I can spend with my hallmates in these years.

Yet, I was often confused as I couldn't manage my time well to have an ideal university life. In order to strike a balance between academic performance and extra-curricular activities, I had to trade-off my time to rest or time to gather with my family. However, I tried to re-schedule my routine and set a “To-do List” every day and thus I can set aside a large chunk of time for relaxation. No matter how experienced I was to be a student or a resident, difficulties would arise, those stumbling blocks have become my motivation to adopt a serious attitude and have made me stronger.
A good attitude is always the key to own an abundant hall life. Don’t ever think of what experience the hallmates can bring to you, think of what experience you can bring to the hallmates.