Chan Sui Kau Hall SEAL Scholarships
Miss HUANG Ting Yu

As a non-local freshman, the first-of-all goal I am willing to achieve is to immerse myself into diverse culture and develop long-term relationships with local and international students. Nonetheless, I find it hard in the beginning since I seldom have the courage to approach others in public, not to mention communicate and build up friendship with them.

Fortunately, Hall 5 provides not only me but the other residents a rather friendly platform to hold and participate activities that facilitate interactions between each other. The moment that impress me the most is the Social Service activity last semester, which grants me the opportunity to explore myself again that I have the ability to take care of and bring happiness to the children who I barely know.

Furthermore, I realize that without words, my every move can be understand by my partner and go through the volunteer work more smoothly. Therefore, based on this experience, I am resolute to become the floor representative this semester, which gives me the chance to grab every single second to get along with the residents in my floor, discover their needs and do my utmost to create a cozier living environment.

Apart from that, I join the cheering team for the PEK competition, which I meet international buddies and enjoy the time we shout out with uplifting slogan for our own proud.

These above memories strengthen my capability to socialize with the residents and reinforce my carefulness to put myself in others’ shoe, which I can call Hall 5 as an off-campus learning space and my second home.