Chan Sui Hung Best Student Award &
Chan Sui Kau Hall Chan Wing Fui Scholarships
Mr. HUANG Guanming

First, I want to express my deepest gratitude for receiving Chan Sui Hung Best Student scholarships this year. I want to thank our hall master, Esther, residence tutors and residence association for giving me such a fruitful hall life. It is definitely a huge encouragement to me.
In last year, I have actively participated in various kinds of meaningful hall activities, such as dodge ball game, 3 vs 3 inter-hall basketball competition and beach cleaning. I felt so lucky that I have meet many interesting hall mates in these activities and developed friendships with them. Since most of us are coming from different culture backgrounds, these activities provided us with a treasure opportunity to chat with each other and learn more about each other’s culture background and customs. In my opinion, these activities not only greatly enriched our hall life but also served as a platform for people with diversified culture backgrounds to know each other better.

What’s more, as a huge lover for sports, I also joined various hall sports teams. I am honored to play for Chan Sui Kau Hall’s swimming, athletic and basketball team. I truly worked hard in every single training and gave all I had during the games to fight for the honor of Chan Sui Kau Hall. In each game, the supports and applauses from my hallmates gave me a strong sense of belongings and make me felt cared and connected. It would be excellent if I could have the chance to continue fighting for our hall next year.
To summarize, I’m so grateful that, as a student who is far away home, I could meet so many friends in last year’s hall life. They are really nice and give me lots of emotional supports. Chan Sui Kau hall is really like a home to me and it had gave me so many precious memories I will never forget.