Jockey Club Academy Hall Academian Scholarships
Mr. NAM Woong Sik

August 24, 2015, I arrived at Hong Kong with my heavy luggage. Walking up to the Student Residence, carrying all the baggage, I was soaked in sweat by the blazing sun. Luckily Hall 4 was the closest hall among Student Residence, and I finally checked in.
A month later, an Email from one of the Hall 4 tutors caught my eyes. “We are recruiting Hall Representatives of Soccer Team for PEK Cup.” I immediately applied and made team. After hard working and training, we raised the Champion Trophy. A year 1 international student from Korea who was guaranteed for two years of living participating hall activities is something exceptional.
After year 1, I left Hong Kong for two years of leave of absence due to military duty. When I came back after two years that felt to me like twenty years, I joined the Global Tea Reception, which is a culture of the Hall 4 that new and old residents can get to know each other, and met our Hall Master, Ben. I approached him and asked him if he remembered me after two years, and thankfully, the answer was “Korean??? Of course, I remember you. Welcome back!”
On the Semester A, I joined Swimming team, Athletic team and Soccer team. On Semester B, I was the hall representative of the table tennis and basketball team. Among five hall representative sports teams, I was captain for the Athletic and Soccer team. We performed great and three sports out of five could win 2nd runner up in the PEK Cup. I also took a position as a floor representative. I helped the floor tutor to manage floor activities and floormates to get along with each other. Not only that, I joined most of the hall activities which Residents Association hosted.

I really enjoy life in Student Residence, especially in Hall 4. Participating a lot of hall activities, I could make a lot of friends from all around the globe. For those who worry about the returning or hall activities, I want to say that if you truly enjoy the hall life and activities, returning is automatically followed. And like I said before it’s good that participating hall activities from year 1 even though it does not count for the returning points. It is a great opportunity to get to know a lot of friends from different countries and to learn their cultures.

Integration Trip in Cheong Chau Island
It is such a great pleasure to be awarded the hall scholarship. I will contribute to the hall like I have done before. Thank you.