Chan Sui Hung Best Student Awards
HSBC Prosperity Hall (Hall 2)
Miss Xu Zhiqing , Jennifer

Hi, I’m Xu Zhiqing Jennifer, currently a year 3 student majoring in Accountancy. It’s my third year living in Hall2 and I’m still on my way to discover something new here and continuously contribute to it.
I’m a person who like doing sports and challenging myself in various sports competitions. Therefore, I attended all selections for Hall2 PEK Team and were selected to PEK Swimming, Running, Tennis and Table Tennis Teams. I tried to join every training in order to enhance my skills and achieve better outcome for Hall2. During these competitions, I always act as a starter and try my best to fight for Hall2 and cheer my teammates up.
Also, I’m very interested in taking photos to catch memorable moments for Hall2. As a photographer for PEK Competition, more than half of the PEK photos posted in Hall2’ s Facebook page are contributed by me. And I’m also responsible for taking group photos after each match. I’m also a photographer in Hall Night Talk Team, in which I aimed at catching every vivid moment from our speakers and Hall Master. Apart from these events, I’m glad to be photographers for Hall2 Singing contest, Welfare Day, BBQ Day and Meet-And-Chat etc. After keeping sharpening my photography skills, I’m honored that I’m selected as a member in PEK Photography Team to compete for Hall2 again.
As a Business student, I don’t want to just limit myself in business world. Instead, I also want to equip myself with some technical skills. Therefore, I become a member of IT Team of Hall2. I acted as a teaching assistant in Python workshops held by Hall2 and was also responsible for administrative tasks. During the preparation of CityU Hackthon, I drafted a proposal of the event and got it ready for the reference of potential sponsors. As a marketing guru in the team, I provided some suggestions about how to approach more potential participants and how to draw their attention in our promotion emails. I was also responsible for the reimbursement of SIP fund and preparation of financial report after the event to show our utilisation of sponsorship. During GDE event, I was also responsible for the reimbursement to keep the budget within control.
During my first year in Hall2, I was excited to make more friends and engage in this big family, so I applied to the position as a floor representative of 3rd floor. I acted as an assistant of our residence tutor and tried to create harmonious atmosphere for our floormates. For example, I arranged weekly dessert night and reminded our floormates of the schedule. I also proposed dress code for Properians’ Night and arranged discussions about it. Buying daily supply for our floormates, such as flavouring was also my responsibility as that time.
I’m grateful that I can also be selected as one of the members of Hall2 decoration team and exert my creativity and passion to create a friendly living environment for Hall2. I took charge of the decoration for Piano room and chose Harry Potter as the theme after discussing with my teammates. We bought many items, such as posters, blanket and map to create a magical atmosphere hoping that our residents can enjoy the music as if they are within a magical world. Besides, I did decoration for Prosperians’ Night, Halloween’s haunted house with RAs and will join the decoration for Annual Dinner at the end of March. I also made a video about door decoration competition for Prosperians’ Night to show the talents and effort of Hall2 residents.
Although having been in Hall2 for almost 2 years, I still regard it as a mysterious treasure that I can discover new interesting things from time to time. During my journey in this big family, Hall2, I make lots of friends in different teams, in which we cooperate with each other to create new ideas and try to make Hall2 a better place. Through hall night talk events, I was inspired by our outstanding speakers of various backgrounds. Their experience reminds me that there are numerous opportunities and possibilities awaiting us as long as we are willing to learn and jump out of comfort zone. I also find Hall2 a place that each of us can exert our talents to contribute to it, just as what I did. Living in Hall2 is an excellent lesson that I cannot learn elsewhere, so I want to say, I love Hall2!