HSBC Prosperity Hall (Hall 2) Prosperians Scholarships
Miss HAO Yiran

It has been an unforgettable and meaningful experience during last two years living in Hall two for me. There were so many interesting events and by taking part in it, I truly live a happy and fulfilling life here at CityU as a non-local student.
I am an active participant in hall events. I joined HSBC Prosperity Hall teams of swimming, basketball and table tennis women double. Our woman basketball team won the 2nd runner up in the PEK competition. I am so glad that we could bring the glory back to our hall after all of our hard trainings and competitive matches.

I also joined our hall tennis team. I was responsible for the organization of selection and training. I collected everyone’s available time slots and schedule best training times for players. For tennis, there is geographic factors limited, it requires professional court as well as rackets to practice. I managed to order the court in JSC for training at first. However, I found that it is too far for our players and time taken to be there is a waste of time for all of us. Therefore, I changed my strategy and change the training spot to Shek Kip Mei. The courts are limited so I managed to book as early as possible to get the best time slots and adequate courts. I also borrowed rackets and balls in advance for the convenience of our players. I collaborated with our RT to work together for a better training outcome.
We found another student in hall2, who is very skilled and also generous to be our coach to help us to coach the players and help us do the selection. For the match, we experienced lack of available players and lack of resources. But we managed to overcome all the difficulties and won the group match stage in the competition. I am so thankful of this unforgettable experience, for it not improves my ability of being an organizer as well as a leader to a large extent.

I am very interested in filming and taking photos. As a photographer, I joined our hall night talk team as the video-man and produce a short video each time and post it online for sharing and reviewing. My videos online receive very good feedback and helped our hall to promote its image and show the outside how colorful lives our residence have. I am also a member of our hall IT team. We organized multiple events including python workshop, machine learning workshop and Hackathon last year. I joined as both the designer and financial group member. I not only improved my professional skill as an accounting major student but also had a deeper understanding about how technology is changing our community and society. The events of IT team make Hall 2 a famous hall for technology aspect and attracts more students with talents in these related areas to join us.

I devoted myself into lots of other activities including hall cooking meet-up, hiking, BBQ, and Prosperian Night. During the first year I lived in Hall 2, I also contributed to our big family as being a fire marshal.
During the last nearly two years in hall2, I participated a lot of events, learnt a lot and grew a lot. I am also thankful that I have the chance to took up so many roles in different hall activities and contributed my part and my strength to our hall.