Chan Sui Hung Best Student Awards
Jockey Club Humanity Hall (Hall 1)
Mr. OYAMA Yuki

This year, I have strived to make Hall life livelier and more interesting for everyone. By nature, I am a very fun-loving, approachable and enthusiastic individual and I have tried to incorporate this into every activity that I participate in. I have tried to use these qualities to cultivate a warm and welcoming environment for all the members of the hall. Throughout the year I have organized and helped to organize several events hosted in the hall. Some of the events that I helped to organize are the movie night and a few hikes. I also helped in the organization of the South Asian Nights. I tried to make sure to try to include the newer members of the hall in my activities and events as I know the feeling of being a new member of an unfamiliar environment. The reason that I wanted to organize these events was to help exchange, international and local students to have a platform to interact with each other. I hope that through these events the residents of Hall one could get to know each other better.

I plan on continuing what I started this year in cultivating a warm and welcoming environment for new unfamiliar faces and returning students alike. I plan on better integrating the local community into my events. I plan on achieving this by working closer with more local students during the planning process. By working closer with local students, I will be able to better understand their needs and what they want out of the events. Furthermore, I think by doing so I will be able to continue to develop my platform and get more people to share experiences together. I believe that this will allow the hall to grow harmoniously and make the hall feel more like home. Because I believe that living in hall should feel like living in a home away from home.