Jockey Club Humanity Hall (Hall 1) Scholarships
Mr. NG Tsz Man

My name is Tim Ng and I am a humanian who tries his best to contribute to the Hall. Let me share my fruitful hall experience in Hall 1 - Jockey Club Humanity Hall.

First, I love playing basketball so I have joined the basketball team of Jockey Club Humanity Hall. I enjoy the moment of practicing basketball skills and exercising with my teammates. After the training, we will go to hall canteen or Nam Shan Estate to have our dinner. We can share our hall life experience and interact with each other. We trained hard for the inter-hall basketball competition. This year, we could not get the campion in PEK Cup but we showed our passion and enthusiasm to other halls’ residents. Although I am not the starting line up, I have gained much in this experience. Besides the champion reward, I have learned more about our hall such as history and some fun facts. Moreover, I could have more good friends since we form a close relationship between Hall 1 basketball team members. Most important, it is honourable for me to represent Hall 1 and compete with other halls.

Second, I always support the activities on my floor and the Hall. For example, since I am an executive committee member of LASDS, I could help to book the venue for the Intra-hall singing contest. I am glad that I could take advantage of my abilities to contribute to the Hall 1 activities. Furthermore, I always engage in the activities of floor and Hall. For the floor activities, I have joined the Christmas party, hot pot gathering, cooking, etc. For the hall activities, I have joined the BBQ, Big Bowl Feast, Korean night, Singing Contest, etc. I think the most important thing for joining those activities is for not only the food or fun but also the connection with the other residents in Hall 1. Those activities firm us to become unity and even a family.

Third, I also care about the people in Hall 1. For example, I will care about the hallmates who are sick or feeling not well by giving them some medicines. Moreover, I will become a listener when my floormates have some emotional problems such as failing in examination or breaking up with their lovers. Sometimes, I will give some snacks to the security guards in hall 1 since I think they work for us day by day and they are one of the humanians in our hall. For the ethnic minorities, I always try my best to communicate with them since our hall has different exchange students who come from different countries. Communicating with them is a kind of respect for them and I can also learn their culture, history and religion by communicating with them. Last but not least, after I travelled to Japan, I brought the souvenirs, which as the lubricant in our friendship, to my hallmates. I have also kept a good relationship with my tutor. He always answers my questions cheerfully such as my returning and scholarship problems. I am willing to cooperate with the tutor too as it will become easier for the tutors to monitor the hall. Maybe those things are trivial but I sincerely respect and care my neighbours in the hall.

This year, I become one of the residence tutors of Hall 1. As a residence tutor, I need to assist residence master in managing the hall, connect the different residences in hall 1, serve as a role model and peer mentor to residents in relation to their all-round development and community living. Although being a residence tutor is a challenge to me, I have tried my best to organize the booth of hall 1 in Joint-Hall Mid-Autumn Celebration. Residences from different halls could try to write the red couplets and made the snowy mooncake. It was satisfied for me because our booth could be run smoothly and I could see the smiling face of different residences.
In the coming year, I will keep enjoying my hall life and devote myself to my hall to provide a fruitful hall experience to my residences.