Jockey Club Humanity Hall (Hall 1) Scholarships
Mr. Lam Ka Ho

As a member of Hall 1, I participate a lot of events and help the society member to organize the event. In the Hall Halloween Party, I have participated as one of the ghost actors for taking photos with visitors and decorate the ‘ghost house’. Sometimes I am a ‘Happy Man’ who organize and run surprise birthday parties for my hallmates. In PEK competition, especially for soccer and basketball, I act as a cheering team member and help pump up for Hall 1 athletes. Also, I have joined the hall table tennis team and become a member of it. Even though I am a reserved player, I still actively joined the team practice and try to fight for Hall 1 in PEK competition. Moreover, I actively joined some hall activities such as BBQ and Korean night with hallmates for keeping intimate relation with other floormates and learned some Korea culture during the event. Besides, I am one of the helpers of lift decoration, I am responsible for buying materials for the decoration, making the background and choosing photographs to use. I also suggested ideas as a view of a third party, which aids designers to refine the decoration.

As a guitar player, I always play guitar with hallmates and teach them chords playing and technical skills for guitar playing to enhance their techniques and become a better guitarist.
As a university student, it is important to maintain a good work-life balance. Hence, participating in hall activities helps me to relax from daily tense owing to heavy academic pressure. During 2017-2018 Semester B, I achieved an SGPA of 3.75 and have been promoted to Dean’s List for a semester. Therefore, I have also invited and organized study groups with hallmates in order to share my study methods and experience to them and hope we can all achieve better results in the future. Moreover, I was one of the shareholders and sold unique dolls in the 2019 Lunar New Year Fair with other hallmates. Although we were not able to earn money from the fair, I have gain experiences as entrepreneurship and make a lot of new friends during the period. Starting up a business with hallmates is truly a precious learning experience and help to develop a closer relationship with other students. Through engaging in different extra-curricular activities, I have improved myself in several aspects, such as academic, music and personal relationship perspectives. Instead of being a hall resident without contributing to Hall 1, I will continue to participate in hall events energetically and invite more hallmates to join us.