Jockey Club Humanity Hall (Hall 1) Scholarships
Mr. LAI Beavis

I am Beavis who was a year 3 student just entered the Jockey Club Humanity Hall as a freshman last year. I am an active, positive and outgoing person who is good at navigating social situations and facilitating relationships between hall mates.
First of all, during Semester A, I often invite my fellow floor mates to my room to play board games and hang out. It is a way for us to relieve and cope with academic stress. It was not only for relaxing activities, my room was frequently used as a base for studying and revision during mid-term and end of term.
Other than that, I also actively participated in hall-wide activities and those organised by my floor. To start out, I, being a hall freshman, participated in the orientation camp organised by hall association. Although I am usually shy and reserved, but I tried my best to make as many friends as I could. I am proud to say that I had a hand in making it more enjoyable for others. And the friends I have made at that time have remained my close confidants in hall.
Furthermore, I have also been a contributor to hall events. I was a deco helper at the first event organised by the current hall association, the Big Bowl Feast. And in the upcoming months, I will help to orchestrate and coordinate the decorations of both of the lifts. I believe that the elevator decorations is a way of showcasing the amount and variety of activities that our hall has to offer and it is also a way to build solidarity among current hall mates.

In addition to organising and participating hall events, I have attended numerous talks organised by my department as preparation for my future career path. These informational sessions have broadened my horizons and I am now aware of how many possibilities there are after graduation.
Beyond my university life, I have put my knowledge into practice through running a stall at the Lunar New Year Fair (2019) at the Victoria Park. During the process, I took initiative and have gained valuable insights relating to operating a business that I would not have otherwise learnt.

Above all else, I have not neglected my basic duty as an university student which is to study. I have maintained a satisfactory CGPA of 3.11. I intend to put more effort into my studies and expect improvement.
Other than that, I also actively participated in hall-wide activities and those organised by my floor. To start out, I, being a hall freshman, participated in the orientation camp organised by hall association. Although I am usually shy and reserved, but I tried my best to make as many friends as I could. I am proud to say that I had a hand in making it more enjoyable for others. And the friends I have made at that time have remained my close confidants in hall.
Regarding to the wider community, I have tried to play my part by going back to HKCC to share interviewing and learning tips with associate degree students. I was myself an associate student and would, therefore, love to encourage those who have the ambition to enter universities through the non-jupas route.
All in all, I have been an active participant in hall while striving for good grades as well as contributing to the wider society. It is through all these that I have developed into a fuller person than I was before.