Scholarships / Prizes at a glance

HKSAR Government Scholarship & CityU Scholarship


The HKSAR Government has established a scholarship fund to reward outstanding local and non-local current students taking UGC-funded full-time sub-degree and degree level programmes.


UGC-funded students, including local and non-local, with outstanding academic performance, i.e. a Cumulative GPA of 3.7 or above by the end of Semester B of each academic year, or the top students (in terms of CGPA by the end of Semester B of the year) in each College/School are eligible to compete for the government scholarships. Nominations shall be made by respective College/School in October / November each year.


The selection criteria include:

  • Excellent performance in academic studies
  • Recognized contribution to the institution/society
  • Demonstrated leadership and good communication skills; and/or
  • Strong commitment to the Hong Kong community


The Scholarship is renewable and the value of the Scholarship is as follows:

  • HK$30,000@ for both local and non-local UGC-funded sub-degree students
  • HK$40,000@ for local UGC-funded degree students and HK$80,000@ for non-local UGC-funded degree students


In addition, the University will provide “CityU Scholarship” in the fixed amount of HK$30,000@ (a one-off award) to encourage and reward UGC-funded full-time undergraduate students in pursuit of academic excellence.


Local and non-local UGC-funded degree students who are not benefitted from the HKSAR Government Scholarship are eligible to compete for the CityU Scholarship.


Further details on the above-named award schemes can be referred to the award regulations under the Scholarship and Financial Aid (SFA) system via AIMS.