
Showing 1 to 10 of 4335 results
Open Books Hong Kong: Three Universities Launch Hong Kong’s First Open Access Books Programme
In a landmark collaboration, the libraries and university presses of CityUHK, CUHK, and HKU are launching Open Books Hong Kong, a pioneering open access initiative, to foster global knowledge sharing and biblio-diversity.
Honours List 2024 salutes CityUHK community members
More than 20 members of the CityUHK community were named on the 2024 HKSAR Honours List for their significant contribution to Hong Kong and their dedicated public and community service.
CityUHK 30th Anniversary Short Video Competition encourages secondary students to show their creative potential in the community
CityUHK is celebrating its 30th Anniversary with a series of activities that bring together faculty, students and alumni for joyful celebrations. Some of these activities extend into the community. The CityUHK 30th Anniversary Short Film Competition welcomes participation from secondary school students in Hong Kong and other GBA cities to deepen their understanding of the University and promote creativity, collaboration and innovation.
CityUHK's electromagnetic defensive shield innovation wins RGC funding
A CityUHK scientist is participating in a research project on "High-Frequency, High-Power and High-Efficiency Wireless Power Transfer Technologies", which was awarded HK$28.36 million in funding from the RGC's Theme-based Research Scheme.
Leaping into innovation: CityUHK develops hybrid hopping robot with unrivalled mobility
A team of researchers at CityUHK ingeniously integrated a spring-loaded telescopic leg beneath a quadcopter, creating an innovative hopping robot, named “Hopcopter”, which defies conventional boundaries.
STEM Carnival cum Student Project Exhibition showcases outstanding research achievements by CityUHK faculty and students
Featured Projects and Final Year Projects developed by faculty and fresh graduates of CityUHK were showcased in the “STEM Carnival cum Student Project Exhibition”, organised by the Bright Future Engineering Talent Hub of CityUHK’s College of Engineering from 3 to 5 July.
CityUHK further enhances academic collaboration with UBD
CityUHK will further enhance collaboration with Universiti Brunei Darussalam, marking a new milestone in the cooperation between the two universities in promoting academic collaboration.
Highly efficient and stable solar cells can now be mass produced like printing newspapers
CityUHK research team addressed a challenge for scientists for over a decade with creative material science solutions. The team demonstrated an effective strategy to enhance the long-term stability of perovskite-organic tandem solar cells, which can be mass-produced at a speed comparable to newspaper printing, with a daily output of up to 1,000 solar panels.
CityUHK and University of Cambridge deepen collaboration
Another MoU signed between CityUHK and the University of Cambridge on 3 July will further foster our global academic and research collaborations.
HKIAS Senior Fellows honoured with the State Pre-eminent Science and Technology Award and Kyoto Prize
Two HKIAS Senior Fellows at CityUHK and renowned physicists, namely Professor Xue Qikun and Professor Sir John B. Pendry, received the State Pre-eminent Science and Technology Award for 2023 and the 2024 Kyoto Prize in Advanced Technology, respectively, in recognition of their outstanding contributions to technological innovation.

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