Library Services Offered to SCOPE Students


Students with a valid smart card issued by SCOPE will be able to access the Library and check out print items. Remote access to electronic resources will be limited to ProQuest only. Reference and instructional services will be provided on a limited basis.

Services for SCOPE Students with a Valid Smart Card Issued by SCOPE 1

  1. Access
    1. Students are given physical access to the Library.

  2. Loan/Request Quota 2
    Items Quota/Periods
    Circulating Books 40 items / 30 days
    Book Request Quota 6 items
    Media Resources 2 items / 3 days
    Semi-closed (Reserve) / Closed Access Materials 3 items / 5 hours, 1 day or 3 days

  3. Electronic Resources
    1. Inside Library (as walk-in users) — most electronic resources.
    2. Remote Access Guide – ProQuest Databases* only (excluding ProQuest Ebook Central)
      *subject to annual review of license agreement

  4. Instructional Services and Tours
    1. No face-to-face instructional services (including library classes and library tours) are provided for SCOPE students.
    2. Library may consider giving training sessions to SCOPE student ambassadors so that they can give tours to SCOPE students and visitors. Please make request in advance by sending email to
    3. Most online instruction, including online tours, online tutorials and online guides developed for CityUHK students are also accessible by SCOPE students.

  5. Reference Services
    1. Students may seek reference help at the Virtual Instruction and Reference Help Desk.

  6. Other Services and Facilities
    Services/Facilities Availability
    AV Equipment Yes
    Group Discussion Rooms No
    HKALL Books No
    Interlibrary Loan (ILL) No
    JULAC Card No
    Octopus Card-operated Fast Printing Yes
    Photocopying Yes
    Public Terminals (OPAC) Yes
    Quota Controlled Fast Printing No
    Special Terminals 3 Yes
    Study Carrels No
    Guided Library Tours No

  7. Help


  1. A library guide which contains information of the Library's services and quick links to access the resources available for SCOPE students is available at
  2. Details refer to Library's Borrowing Regulations ( The Library may make any changes without further notice.
  3. For most SCOPE students with e-Portal access, they can use most PCs in the Library. For details, please refer to Library PC Interactive Floor Plan. For other SCOPE students without e-Portal access, they can also login some of the PCs in the Library.