Services and Facilities
Resource Booker
3D Printing
The 3D printer is an effective tool of 3D model/design reproduction and realization. The user can print any 3D object from any creative 3D object design.
The 3D printers can provide the following advanced features:
- Multi-functional printing Chamber improving the quality of PLA 3D prints.
- Max. Build Volume:300 L x 300 W x 300 H mm
- Open source 3D printer and compatible with different slicing softwares and firmwares.
Eligible Users
All CityUHK students, staff of programmes leading to CityUHK awards including associate degree, bachelor's degree and postgraduate degree.
Printing Price
- HK$1 per gram of materials used
- For example, the printing price of a print output weighted 30 grams will be for $30
- Minimum charge per printing request: HK$20
How to Print
- Prepare your 3D file in STL Format (Note: max size of 3D output: 300 L x 300 W x 300 H mm)
- Book the 3D printing service via Resource Booker.
- Bring along the print file to CREATE! to the printing session you have booked.
- During the printing session:
- Fill in and submit the printing request form to IT Help Desk.
- The weight of the 3D model will be calculated according to the printing software of the 3D printer.
- The charge of the 3D model will be calculated based on the round-up value of calculated weight.
- You need to pay the printing charge at the Circulation Counter at the time you place your printing request.
- Bring your payment receipt to the IT Help Desk to confirm the printing.
- Process the printing yourself with the 3D printer. Contact duty staff for enquiries or assistance when needed.
- First-time users are required to receive training first during the printing session before they can operate the 3Dprinter.
Booking Policy
- Two timeslots at 9am-1pm and 1pm-5pm are available from Mondays to Fridays (except public holidays).
- You are only allowed to print the 3D models by using the PLA material provided by the Library.
- The printing of a 3D project can take 1-4 hours or even longer.
- Please note the booking quota of each service in CREATE!
- You are required to show up within the first 15 minutes for the session you have booked. Your reservation will be expired and automatically cancelled after 15 minutes.
- The check-out operation also includes the use of powerful Laptops.
- Bookings can be made up to 5 days in advance.
- To ensure fair access to all eligible users, the facilities are booked on a first-come, first-served basis.
- The facilities are used only for lawful purposes. No one will be permitted to use the facilities to print objects that are against the law, obscene, in violation of another’s intellectual property rights. The printing of weapons or dangerous objects are strictly prohibited.
- All booking requests are subject to approval based on scheduling and availability. The Library reserves the right to refuse any requests for any reason.