Semi-closed & Closed Access Collections

Opening Hours

The Semi-closed Collection consists of books on course reserves, which are materials related to CityUHK awarded courses such as prescribed textbooks or required readings. Books inside the Semi-closed Collection are recommended by teaching staff for their students and are circulated for a short loan period.

Materials in the Semi-closed Collection are generally available for use for 1 day or 3 days. These materials can be checked out using the SelfCheck unit and returned via the Circulation Counter or library book drops.

The Closed Access Collection is made up of media resources, class notes, etc., and a City University Collection which consists of publications published by the City University of Hong Kong, and media reserves recommended by teaching staff for their students.

City University Collection is available for 5-hours (same day) loans (materials in serial nature) and 3-days loans (materials in other nature).

Media reserves are on 1 day loan. Other materials in the Closed Access Collection are generally available for use for 3 days.