Others (e.g. Kits and Slides, etc.) List:
Social Sciences

Class H Others (e.g. Kits and Slides, etc.) List
Call Number Title
HA29 .H66 StatLab [kit] : an empirical introduction to statistics.
HB871 .P66 Population dynamics [slide].
HD30.23 .D425 Decision making [slide].
HD30.29 .S64 Solving problems in a creative manner [slide].
HD30.3 .C654 Communication within the enterprise [slide].
HD30.3 .C656 Communication game [slide].
HD30.3 .W67 Workplace communication [slide].
HD31 .E53 Energy management game [game].
HD31 .I46 Improvement of the workshop [slide] : locating the problems.
HD38.2 .R42 Realities of leadership [kit].
HD56 .E57 The enterprise and productivity [slide].
HD56 .P766 The productivity at the workplace [slide].
HD56 .P767/pt.1 Productivity is everybody's business, part 1 [slide].
HD56 .P767/pt.2 Productivity is everybody's business, part 2 [slide].
HD56 .T54 Three steps to improved productivity [slide].
HD56 .W52 What is productivity? [slide].
HD57 .P76 Productivity from there to here [slide] : but what's ahead?
HD57.7 .S58 Situational leadership simulator [kit].
HD58.6 .I57 An introduction to negotiation [slide].
HD58.8 .B478 1996 Best practices implementation toolkit [kit] : how to ensure the successful implementation of change.
HD62.15 .H634 1997 Quality assurance and beyond [kit].
HD66 .B375 Basic concept of quality management [slide].
HD66 .I52 Induction and facilitation of QC circles [slide].
HD66 .O63 Operation of quality control circles [slide].
HD66 .Q344 The quality control at a workshop [slide] : how to operate a QC circle.
HD66 .Q345 Quality control circles [slide].
HD66 .Q4 QC circle movement [slide].
HD66 .R64 The role of QC of circle promoter [slide].
HD66 .R645 Roles of QC circle facilitators [slide].
HD66 .S62 Small group activities [slide] : how to activate small groups and make them creative.
HD66 .T42 Teamwork at the place of work [slide].
HD66 .W52 What are operation standards? [slide].
HD1387 .B35 1995 Asset valuations [kit] : 1995 red book update.
HD1387 .B78 1996 Valuation of commercial property for secured lending [kit].
HD1387 .D59 1995 Using microcomputers for property valuation and appraisal [kit].
HD1698.C62 H668 2011 Water [kit] : learn & conserve : teaching kit for liberal studies = 知水・惜水 : 通識教學材料套.
HD6060.5.H6 L53 1997 兩性平等就業機會敎材資料套 [kit].
HD6971.5 .C64 Collective bargaining [slide].
HD6972.5 .G74 Grievance handling [slide].
HD7287.3 .I68 2001 International Conference, Managing Housing and Social Change [kit] : building social cohesion, accommodating diversity = 國際硏討會, 房屋管理與社會轉變.
HD9330.S653 A63 2010 香港卓越名牌 [kit] : 通識教材套 = Hong Kong premier brand : liberal study kit.
HD9715.A2 P65 2000 Benefit trading tutorial [kit] : tutorial pack for course facilitators.
HD9715.A2 W39 1995 A guide to project management [kit].
HD9715.G72 G83 2000 Standardisation and pre-assembly [kit] : client's guide and toolkit.
HF5381 .C48 1993 創造 21 [kit] : 生活與事業輔導敎材.
HF5382.7 .Z43 2011 Getting a job [kit] : process kit.
HF5415.33.C62 H666 2008 生活就是可能 [kit] : 專題研習教材套.
HF5415.5 .C3744 1994 Customer service [slide].
HF5415.5 .S87 1995 Superior service [kit].
HF5549 .B453 1996 Best practices assessment toolkit [kit] : comparing your people practices against best practices.
HF5549 .M42 1995 Measurement toolkit [kit] : how to measure the impact of your company's people practices.
HF5635 .M395 1987 Maxwell Jewelry [kit] : an automated business simulation.
HF5635 .M53 1988 Microwaves, Inc. [kit] : an automated business simulation.
HF5635 .P73 Presentation of information [slide].
HF5661 .A27/paper-1 1994 Accounting framework [kit].
HF5661 .A27/paper-10 1994 Accounting and audit practice [kit].
HF5661 .A27/paper-11 1994 Tax planning [kit].
HF5661 .A27/paper-12 1994 Management and strategy [kit].
HF5661 .A27/paper-13 1994 Financial reporting environment [kit].
HF5661 .A27/paper-14 1994 Financial strategy [kit].
HF5661 .A27/paper-2 1994 Legal framework [kit].
HF5661 .A27/paper-3 1994 Management information [kit].
HF5661 .A27/paper-4 1994 Organisational framework [kit].
HF5661 .A27/paper-5 1994 Information analysis [kit].
HF5661 .A27/paper-6 1994 Audit framework [kit].
HF5661 .A27/paper-7 1994 Tax framework [kit].
HF5661 .A27/paper-8 1994 Managerial finance [kit].
HF5661 .A27/paper-9 1994 Information for control and decision making [kit].
HF5681.B2 S64 1996 The content and interpretation of company accounts [kit].
HF5736 .W65 1996 QuikTronic records management [kit] : manual/electronic simulation ;
HF5813.C5 Z54 Zhongguo guang gao zuo pin nian jian.
HF5845 .E93 An exercise in store evaluation [slide] : diagnosing shop layout and thedisplay of merchandise.
HG4026 .O44 1997 The Omega challenge [game] : principles of business and finance which every employee should know.
HM132 .J46 人際關係 [slide].
HM132 .W44 為甚麼我不敢告訴你我是誰 ? [slide].
HM132 .Y8 與人相處 [slide].
HQ10 .J47 2013 家庭地圖 [kit] : 以沙維雅模式為主題的家庭遊戲.
HQ10 .J539 2013 家庭天秤 [kit] : 認識自我區分的家庭遊戲 = All in the same Bowen.
HQ35 .C46 靑少年的性價值觀 [slide].
HQ35 .C47 靑少年與婚前性行為 [slide].
HQ35 .H64 性敎育 : 父母的責任 [slide].
HQ35 .T68 2000 「透過初中科學科課程推行性敎育」敎材套 [kit].
HQ76.3.H85 Z86 1999 尊重不同性傾向人士敎材套 [kit].
HQ503 .H86 婚姻 [slide].
HQ728 .J52 家庭責任 [slide].
HQ728 .W43 1996 What predicts divorce? [kit] : the measures.
HQ734 .C46 家庭功能 [slide].
HQ734 .H86 1997 婚前準備 [kit].
HQ755.8 .C46 盡責任的父母 [slide].
HQ755.8 .N49 1987 The next STEP [kit] : effective parenting through problem solving.
HQ769 .P44 培育良才 [slide].
HQ770.4 .L55 2003 The smiley system for compliance and responsibility training for children [kit].
HQ772 .F8 父子軟件 [slide].
HQ772 .L52 兩代之間 [slide].
HQ796 .Q56 靑少年生理成長 [slide].
HQ799.H6 S58 1998 少年成長三步曲 [kit] : 心智敎育敎材套.
HQ799.2.I5 Q25 2007 青少年健康上網教材套 [kit].
HQ801 .H68 2010 The hold me tight program [kit] : conversations for connection.
HQ801 .Y82 約會 [slide].
HQ998 .I2 一錯不能再錯 [slide].
HQ1061 .T37 Task breakdown [kit] : a teaching/learning technique designed for working with the elderly.
HQ1237 .F36 1997 防止及處理性騷擾敎材資料套 [kit].
HQ1237 .F362 1997 Training module on preventing & dealing with sexual harassment [kit].
HT169.G7 C665 1992 Planning gain [kit] : the operations of the system and recent reforms.
HV41 .M36 Managing into the future [kit].
HV45 .X56 2001 小組工作自學敎材 [kit].
HV640.5.I5 L66 A look at the Indochinese refugees in Thailand [slide].
HV751.A5 C55 Child abuse and neglect [kit] : an introduction.
HV1448.H6 F85 2002 婦女熱線培訓敎材套 [kit] = Women's hotline training instructional kit.
HV1568 .S455 1991 Self-advocacy at work [kit] : training materials for people involved in suppoting others to represent themselves.
HV1597.5 .A452 Aged related vision and hearing changes. Part 2 [slide] : An empathic approach.
HV2471 .S54 2010 聲音層層疊 [kit] : 聽障兒童言語聆聽理解訓練手冊 = Sound jigsaw : a speech perception training kit for cantonese-speaking children with hearing impairment.
HV5770.H6 F36 1984 反吸煙視聽敎材 [kit] = Anti-smoking teaching kit for secondary schools.
HV5801 .P67 1970 POT or not [slide] : a plain guide to drug dependence.
HV5824.Y68 K356 2014 抗毒非凡之旅 [kit] : 專業綜合培訓課程教材套 = Project of "Marvellous trip for resisting drugs" : professional integrated training course.
HV5840.H6 D36 2001 當生命遇上生命敎材套 [套式敎材] = The final turn.
HV6666 .W56 Wipe out vandalism [slide].
Media Resources Collection: Others (e.g. Kits and Slides, etc.) List for Social Sciences - Run Run Shaw Library - City University of Hong Kong

Others (e.g. Kits and Slides, etc.) List:
Social Sciences

Class H Others (e.g. Kits and Slides, etc.) List
Call Number Title
HA29 .H66 StatLab [kit] : an empirical introduction to statistics.
HB871 .P66 Population dynamics [slide].
HD30.23 .D425 Decision making [slide].
HD30.29 .S64 Solving problems in a creative manner [slide].
HD30.3 .C654 Communication within the enterprise [slide].
HD30.3 .C656 Communication game [slide].
HD30.3 .W67 Workplace communication [slide].
HD31 .E53 Energy management game [game].
HD31 .I46 Improvement of the workshop [slide] : locating the problems.
HD38.2 .R42 Realities of leadership [kit].
HD56 .E57 The enterprise and productivity [slide].
HD56 .P766 The productivity at the workplace [slide].
HD56 .P767/pt.1 Productivity is everybody's business, part 1 [slide].
HD56 .P767/pt.2 Productivity is everybody's business, part 2 [slide].
HD56 .T54 Three steps to improved productivity [slide].
HD56 .W52 What is productivity? [slide].
HD57 .P76 Productivity from there to here [slide] : but what's ahead?
HD57.7 .S58 Situational leadership simulator [kit].
HD58.6 .I57 An introduction to negotiation [slide].
HD58.8 .B478 1996 Best practices implementation toolkit [kit] : how to ensure the successful implementation of change.
HD62.15 .H634 1997 Quality assurance and beyond [kit].
HD66 .B375 Basic concept of quality management [slide].
HD66 .I52 Induction and facilitation of QC circles [slide].
HD66 .O63 Operation of quality control circles [slide].
HD66 .Q344 The quality control at a workshop [slide] : how to operate a QC circle.
HD66 .Q345 Quality control circles [slide].
HD66 .Q4 QC circle movement [slide].
HD66 .R64 The role of QC of circle promoter [slide].
HD66 .R645 Roles of QC circle facilitators [slide].
HD66 .S62 Small group activities [slide] : how to activate small groups and make them creative.
HD66 .T42 Teamwork at the place of work [slide].
HD66 .W52 What are operation standards? [slide].
HD1387 .B35 1995 Asset valuations [kit] : 1995 red book update.
HD1387 .B78 1996 Valuation of commercial property for secured lending [kit].
HD1387 .D59 1995 Using microcomputers for property valuation and appraisal [kit].
HD1698.C62 H668 2011 Water [kit] : learn & conserve : teaching kit for liberal studies = 知水・惜水 : 通識教學材料套.
HD6060.5.H6 L53 1997 兩性平等就業機會敎材資料套 [kit].
HD6971.5 .C64 Collective bargaining [slide].
HD6972.5 .G74 Grievance handling [slide].
HD7287.3 .I68 2001 International Conference, Managing Housing and Social Change [kit] : building social cohesion, accommodating diversity = 國際硏討會, 房屋管理與社會轉變.
HD9330.S653 A63 2010 香港卓越名牌 [kit] : 通識教材套 = Hong Kong premier brand : liberal study kit.
HD9715.A2 P65 2000 Benefit trading tutorial [kit] : tutorial pack for course facilitators.
HD9715.A2 W39 1995 A guide to project management [kit].
HD9715.G72 G83 2000 Standardisation and pre-assembly [kit] : client's guide and toolkit.
HF5381 .C48 1993 創造 21 [kit] : 生活與事業輔導敎材.
HF5382.7 .Z43 2011 Getting a job [kit] : process kit.
HF5415.33.C62 H666 2008 生活就是可能 [kit] : 專題研習教材套.
HF5415.5 .C3744 1994 Customer service [slide].
HF5415.5 .S87 1995 Superior service [kit].
HF5549 .B453 1996 Best practices assessment toolkit [kit] : comparing your people practices against best practices.
HF5549 .M42 1995 Measurement toolkit [kit] : how to measure the impact of your company's people practices.
HF5635 .M395 1987 Maxwell Jewelry [kit] : an automated business simulation.
HF5635 .M53 1988 Microwaves, Inc. [kit] : an automated business simulation.
HF5635 .P73 Presentation of information [slide].
HF5661 .A27/paper-1 1994 Accounting framework [kit].
HF5661 .A27/paper-10 1994 Accounting and audit practice [kit].
HF5661 .A27/paper-11 1994 Tax planning [kit].
HF5661 .A27/paper-12 1994 Management and strategy [kit].
HF5661 .A27/paper-13 1994 Financial reporting environment [kit].
HF5661 .A27/paper-14 1994 Financial strategy [kit].
HF5661 .A27/paper-2 1994 Legal framework [kit].
HF5661 .A27/paper-3 1994 Management information [kit].
HF5661 .A27/paper-4 1994 Organisational framework [kit].
HF5661 .A27/paper-5 1994 Information analysis [kit].
HF5661 .A27/paper-6 1994 Audit framework [kit].
HF5661 .A27/paper-7 1994 Tax framework [kit].
HF5661 .A27/paper-8 1994 Managerial finance [kit].
HF5661 .A27/paper-9 1994 Information for control and decision making [kit].
HF5681.B2 S64 1996 The content and interpretation of company accounts [kit].
HF5736 .W65 1996 QuikTronic records management [kit] : manual/electronic simulation ;
HF5813.C5 Z54 Zhongguo guang gao zuo pin nian jian.
HF5845 .E93 An exercise in store evaluation [slide] : diagnosing shop layout and thedisplay of merchandise.
HG4026 .O44 1997 The Omega challenge [game] : principles of business and finance which every employee should know.
HM132 .J46 人際關係 [slide].
HM132 .W44 為甚麼我不敢告訴你我是誰 ? [slide].
HM132 .Y8 與人相處 [slide].
HQ10 .J47 2013 家庭地圖 [kit] : 以沙維雅模式為主題的家庭遊戲.
HQ10 .J539 2013 家庭天秤 [kit] : 認識自我區分的家庭遊戲 = All in the same Bowen.
HQ35 .C46 靑少年的性價值觀 [slide].
HQ35 .C47 靑少年與婚前性行為 [slide].
HQ35 .H64 性敎育 : 父母的責任 [slide].
HQ35 .T68 2000 「透過初中科學科課程推行性敎育」敎材套 [kit].
HQ76.3.H85 Z86 1999 尊重不同性傾向人士敎材套 [kit].
HQ503 .H86 婚姻 [slide].
HQ728 .J52 家庭責任 [slide].
HQ728 .W43 1996 What predicts divorce? [kit] : the measures.
HQ734 .C46 家庭功能 [slide].
HQ734 .H86 1997 婚前準備 [kit].
HQ755.8 .C46 盡責任的父母 [slide].
HQ755.8 .N49 1987 The next STEP [kit] : effective parenting through problem solving.
HQ769 .P44 培育良才 [slide].
HQ770.4 .L55 2003 The smiley system for compliance and responsibility training for children [kit].
HQ772 .F8 父子軟件 [slide].
HQ772 .L52 兩代之間 [slide].
HQ796 .Q56 靑少年生理成長 [slide].
HQ799.H6 S58 1998 少年成長三步曲 [kit] : 心智敎育敎材套.
HQ799.2.I5 Q25 2007 青少年健康上網教材套 [kit].
HQ801 .H68 2010 The hold me tight program [kit] : conversations for connection.
HQ801 .Y82 約會 [slide].
HQ998 .I2 一錯不能再錯 [slide].
HQ1061 .T37 Task breakdown [kit] : a teaching/learning technique designed for working with the elderly.
HQ1237 .F36 1997 防止及處理性騷擾敎材資料套 [kit].
HQ1237 .F362 1997 Training module on preventing & dealing with sexual harassment [kit].
HT169.G7 C665 1992 Planning gain [kit] : the operations of the system and recent reforms.
HV41 .M36 Managing into the future [kit].
HV45 .X56 2001 小組工作自學敎材 [kit].
HV640.5.I5 L66 A look at the Indochinese refugees in Thailand [slide].
HV751.A5 C55 Child abuse and neglect [kit] : an introduction.
HV1448.H6 F85 2002 婦女熱線培訓敎材套 [kit] = Women's hotline training instructional kit.
HV1568 .S455 1991 Self-advocacy at work [kit] : training materials for people involved in suppoting others to represent themselves.
HV1597.5 .A452 Aged related vision and hearing changes. Part 2 [slide] : An empathic approach.
HV2471 .S54 2010 聲音層層疊 [kit] : 聽障兒童言語聆聽理解訓練手冊 = Sound jigsaw : a speech perception training kit for cantonese-speaking children with hearing impairment.
HV5770.H6 F36 1984 反吸煙視聽敎材 [kit] = Anti-smoking teaching kit for secondary schools.
HV5801 .P67 1970 POT or not [slide] : a plain guide to drug dependence.
HV5824.Y68 K356 2014 抗毒非凡之旅 [kit] : 專業綜合培訓課程教材套 = Project of "Marvellous trip for resisting drugs" : professional integrated training course.
HV5840.H6 D36 2001 當生命遇上生命敎材套 [套式敎材] = The final turn.
HV6666 .W56 Wipe out vandalism [slide].