LD List:
Motion Pictures, Chinese

Class PZ3 LD List
Call Number Title
PZ3 .A14 1993 1993 天若有情 II : 之天長地久 = A moment of romance II.
PZ3 .A17 1992 92 黑玫瑰對黑玫瑰 = '92 Legendary la rose noire.
PZ3 .A27 1988 阿郎的故事 = All about Ah-Long.
PZ3 .A53 1993 暗戀桃花源 = The peach blossom land.
PZ3 .B3 八兩金.
PZ3 .B35 1995 百變狸猫 = Pon poco.
PZ3 .B36 1994 暴雨驕陽 = The true hero.
PZ3 .B38 1994 伴我同行 = One of the lucky ones.
PZ3 .B45 1994 背靠背臉對臉 = Back to back, face to face.
PZ3 .B523 1990z 邊走邊唱 = Life on a string.
PZ3 .B53 1990 表姊你好嘢 = Her fatal ways.
PZ3 .B534 1991 半邊人.
PZ3 .B56 1994 表姐你好嘢 ! 4 : 之情不自禁 = Her fatal ways IV.
PZ3 .C4 垂簾聽政.
PZ3 .C46 1994 重慶森林.
PZ3 .C464 1994 重慶談判 = Chong Qing negotiation.
PZ3 .C86 1994 錯愛 = Crossings.
PZ3 .D2635 1980z 大湖英烈 = A man of immortality.
PZ3 .D3 刀馬旦.
PZ3 .D32 搭錯車.
PZ3 .D325 1992 大紅燈籠高高掛 = Raise the red lantern.
PZ3 .D327 1990z 大決戰. 遼瀋戰役 = The Decisive engagement. The Liaoxi Shenyang campaign
PZ3 .D46 1994 等愛的女人 = Right here waiting ..
PZ3 .D5 帝女花.
PZ3 .D5624 1995 叮噹. 魔界大冒險.
PZ3 .D5626 1995 叮噹. 未來世界的怪人.
PZ3 .D662 1993 東方不敗再起風雲 = The east is red.
PZ3 .D663 1993 東方三俠 = The heroic trio.
PZ3 .D83 1994 賭神. = God of gambler's return.
PZ3 .E28 1995 Eat drink man woman.
PZ3 .E73 1996 二嫫 = Ermo.
PZ3 .F35 1990z 販母案考.
PZ3 .F36 1993 方世玉 = Fong Sai-yuk.
PZ3 .F363 1993 方世玉續集 = Fong Sai-yuk II.
PZ3 .F44 1991 飛鷹計劃 = Armour of God II operation condor.
PZ3 .F45 1992 非洲和尚 = Crazy safari.
PZ3 .F453 1994 飛虎雄心 = The final optional.
PZ3 .G45 1995 給爸爸的信 = My father is a hero.
PZ3 .G86 1991 滾滾紅塵 = Red dust.
PZ3 .G864 1994 國產凌凌漆 = From Beijing with love.
PZ3 .H278 1980z 海水正藍 = When the ocean is blue.
PZ3 .H3 海峽兩岸.
PZ3 .H35 1995 和平飯店 = Peace hotel.
PZ3 .H37 1996 Hard-boiled.
PZ3 .H4 1991 何日君再來 = Au revoir, mon amour.
PZ3 .H46 1995 橫紋刀劈扭紋柴 = Just married.
PZ3 .H663 1995 紅番區 = Rumble in the Bronx.
PZ3 .H785 1993 花田囍事 = All's well end's well, too.
PZ3 .H8 火燒圓明園.
PZ3 .H83 1992 黃飛鴻 = Once upon a time in China.
PZ3 .H832 1992 黃飛鴻之二 : 男兒當自強 = Once upon a time in China II.
PZ3 .H8322 1992 黃飛鴻之三 : 獅王爭霸 = Once upon a time in China III.
PZ3 .H8323 1993 黃飛鴻之四 : 王者之風 = Once upon a time in China IV.
PZ3 .H834 1995 花月佳期 = Love in the time of twilight.
PZ3 .H835 1994 花旗少林 = Treasure hunt.
PZ3 .H86 火龍.
PZ3 .H863 1994 活著 = Lifetimes.
PZ3 .J5 假如我是眞的.
PZ3 .J527 1992 家有囍事 = All's well end's well.
PZ3 .J53 1991 監獄風雲 II : 逃犯 = Prison on fire II.
PZ3 .J54 1993 皆大歡喜 = Perfect couples.
PZ3 .J56 1992 警察故事. 超級警察 = Police story. III, Super cop.
PZ3 .J563 1995 金玉滿堂 = The Chinese feast.
PZ3 .J564 1994 錦繡前程 = Long & winding road.
PZ3 .J565 1988 精武門 = Fist of fury.
PZ3 .J5739 1990z 精武英雄 = Fist of Legend.
PZ3 .J58 1993 九二神鵰 : 痴心情長劍 = Saviour of the soul II.
PZ3 .J583 1994 九品芝麻官 : 白面包靑天 = Hail the judge.
PZ3 .J8 1990 菊豆 = Judou.
PZ3 .J83 1992 絶代雙驕 = Handsome siblings.
PZ3 .L53 1994 梁祝 = The lovers.
PZ3 .L582 1989 六月雪 = Snow in June.
PZ3 .L583 1995 流氓醫生 = Doctor Mark.
PZ3 .L66 1992 龍的傳人 = Legend of the dragon.
PZ3 .L823 1992 魯冰花 = The dull-ice flower.
PZ3 .L826 1994 六指琴魔 = Deadful melody.
PZ3 .L83 1990z 戀愛假期 = Tora-San takes a vacation.
PZ3 .L833 1990z 戀愛宣言 = Tora-San confesses.
PZ3 .M44 1993 玫瑰玫瑰我愛你 = Rose Rose I love you.
PZ3 .M46 1993 夢醒時分 = Mary from Beijing.
PZ3 .N8 1995 女人四十 = Summer snow.
PZ3 .Q23 1988 搶錢家族 = Yen family.
PZ3 .Q234 1993 搶錢夫妻 = Always on my mind.
PZ3 .Q27 1992 秋菊打官司 = The story of Qiuju.
PZ3 .Q5 倩女幽魂.
PZ3 .Q52 1990 倩女幽魂 II : 人間道 = A Chinese ghost story II.
PZ3 .Q522 1991 倩女幽魂 III : 道道道 = A Chinese ghost story III.
PZ3 .Q56 1990 秦俑 = A terra-cotta warrior.
PZ3 .Q58 秋天的童話.
PZ3 .R464 1995 人間有情 = The umbrella story.
PZ3 .R468 1990 人在紐約 = Full moon in New York.
PZ3 .R825 1992 阮玲玉 = Center stage.
PZ3 .S227 1992 莎莎嘉嘉站起來 = Sisters of the world unite.
PZ3 .S26 1994 三個相愛的少年 = Oh! My three guys ..
PZ3 .S5226 1993 審死官 = Justice, my foot.
PZ3 .S523 1991 雙城故事 = Between hello and goodbye.
PZ3 .S524 雙旗鎮刀客 = Swordsman at the double flag town.
PZ3 .S525 1992 雙龍會 = The twin dragon.
PZ3 .S526 1993 水滸笑傳 = Laughters of water margins.
PZ3 .S53 1994 笑林小子 = Shaolin popey.
PZ3 .S84 1991 歲月的童話 = Only yesterday.
PZ3 .T367 1990 唐伯虎點秋香.
PZ3 .T524 1988 天空之城 = Laputa.
PZ3 .T527 1990 天若有情 = A moment of romance.
PZ3 .T53 1994 天台的月光 = A roof with a view.
PZ3 .T68 1992 投奔怒海 = Boat people.
PZ3 .T73 1994 天國逆子 = The day the sun turned cold.
PZ3 .W6 我愛太空人.
PZ3 .W63 1994 我和春天有個約會 = I have a date with spring.
PZ3 .W634 1995 我要活下去 = I want to go on living.
PZ3 .W83 1995 無味神探 = Loving you.
PZ3 .W87 1982 胡越的故事 = The story of Woo Viet.
PZ3 .X522 1993 囍宴 = The Wedding banquet.
PZ3 .X523 1993 香魂女 = Oil maker's family.
PZ3 .X524 1995 西遊記第壹佰零壹回之月光寶盒 = A Chinese odyssey part one : Pandora's box.
PZ3 .X525 1995 西遊記大結局之仙履奇緣 = A Chinese odyssey part two : Cinderella.
PZ3 .X526 1992 東方不敗 = Swordsman II.
PZ3 .X52845 1980z 香火 = Gone with honor.
PZ3 .X535 1994 仙人掌 = Run.
PZ3 .X536 1994 香港淪陷 = 1941 Hong Kong on fire.
PZ3 .X563 1993 新不了情 = C'est la vie, mon cheri.
PZ3 .X564 1993 新難兄難弟 = He ain't heavy, he's my father.
PZ3 .X565 1991 新最佳拍檔 = Aces go places V.
PZ3 .X566 1993 新仙鶴神針 = The magic crane.
PZ3 .X57 1994 星空下の戀情 = Hero interview.
PZ3 .Y362 胭脂扣.
PZ3 .Y364 1995 陽光燦爛的日子 = In the heat of the sun.
PZ3 .Y4 1995 夜半歌聲 = The phantom lovers.
PZ3 .Y8 郁達夫傳奇.
PZ3 .Z336 1990 再見螢火蟲 = Fireflies.
PZ3 .Z34 再生人.
PZ3 .Z448 1993 戰神傳說 = The moon warriors.
PZ3 .Z449 1998 站直囉, 別趴下 = Stand up don't bend over, don't bend over stand up.
PZ3 .Z45 1993 重案組 = Crime story.
PZ3 .Z46 1992 周恩來 = Zhou En lai.
PZ3 .Z484 1988 竹籬笆外的春天.
PZ3 .Z52 紫釵記.
PZ3 .Z85 1986 最佳拍檔 : 千里救差婆 = Aces go places IV.
PZ3 .Z86 1994 昨夜長風 = Tears and triumph.