
Call Number Title
CB158 .F875 2003 Future research methodology.
CB253 .V69 1997 Voyage to the gates of the Orient.
CB311 .L67 1997 Lost Civilizations.
CC165 .E97 1994 Exploring ancient cities : Crete, Petra, Pompeii, Teotihuacan.
CC165 .I58 1995 Introduction to archaeology.
CJ3495 .T362 2000 中國錢幣學辭典.
CT120 .A17 1996 20th century newsmakers.
CT1836 .G46 2004 現代日本人名錄 2004.
D20 .C57 1997 Chronicle encyclopedia of history.
D20 .E948 1998 Eyewitness history of the world 2.0.
D20 .W65 1998 World Book discoveries.
D21 .E94 1995 Eyewitness history of the world.
D23 .M85 1994 Multimedia world history.
D25 .B38 1996 Battles of the world : the interactive history of war.
D358 .C43 1993 Changing times.
D358 .R47 1999 ResourceLink : 19th-century world history.
D421 .A15 1993 20th century video almanac.
D421 .R47 1999 ResourceLink : 20th-century world history.
D421 .W57 1999 World history : 20th century.
D422 .C47 1996 Chronicle of the 20th century.
D523 .C38 1996 The causes of World War I.
D860 .M858 2002 Multiple translation Chinese corpus.
D860 .M86 2003 Multiple translation Chinese (MTC) part 2.
D923 .O8 1994 歐遊誌.
DA650 .B75 1993 Britain at its best.
DA684.2 .L66 1993 London : the multimedia tour.
DC16 .F73 1993 France at its best.
DC31 .V693 1995 Voyage in France.
DC31 .V6932 1997 Voyage en France.
DC33 .P37 1995 Paris.
DC707 .P375 1997 Paris : promenades and history.
DD290.26 .T53 2005 13terStock : ein interaktiver Dokumentarfilm.
DE71 .A53 1997 Ancient civilizations of the Mediterranean.
DE71 .A532 1997 Ancient civilization of the Mediterranean.
DF77 .P46 2000 Perseus 2.0 : interactive sources and studies on ancient Greece.
DF77 .V69 1997 Voyage in Greece.
DG311 .G53 1999 The history of the decline and fall of the Roman Empire.
DG674.2 .V45 1998 Venezia.
DK510.22 .N49 1994 The new Russia and her neighbors.
DS109.15 .J48 1997 Jerusalem : the holy city.
DS109.9 .P38 1995 Pathways through Jerusalem.
DS116 .H472 1998 Heritage : civilization and the Jews.
DS247.T82 U65 2005 United Arab Emirates 2005.
DS508.2 .O75 1991 The Orient.
DS610.73.L45 L435 1994 李光耀 = Lee Kuan Yew.
DS701 .S562 no.133 Scientific evidence for pre-Columbian transoceanic voyages.
DS706 .C464 1994 China : home of the dragon.
DS706 .C55 1995 China bookshelf.
DS706 .R46 1999 認識祖國.
DS712 .C53 1993 China scenes.
DS712 .Z59 1996 中華名勝 = Splendid China.
DS719 .S56 1997 神秘的黃陵 = Mysterious Huangdi Tomb.
DS719 .Z56 1996 中國帝王陵 = The imperial tombs of China.
DS721 .C75 2000 中國文化光碟 = Chinese civilisation digitised.
DS721 .Z4669 2001 中华历史文库.
DS731.H3 K425 1999 客家人文 = The cultural phenomena of Hakkas.
DS734.97.C6 G86 2009 國情教育活動分享及教材套.
DS735.A2 E692 1999 二十五史.
DS747.2 .S75522 1999 資治通鑑.
DS747.9.C47 E44 1995 The eighth wonder of the world : the art of Qin Shihuang terracotta warriors and horses.
DS747.9.C47 F57 1994 The first emperor of China.
DS755 .B37 2004 百年自強 : 中國近現代史硏習光碟.
DS764.23.L52 A2 1998 梁啓超專集 = The full texts of Liang Qichao's works.
DS773.89 .G86 2002 v.1 國民政府檔案. 中華民國國旗與國歌史料.
DS773.89 .G86 2002 v.2 國民政府檔案. 國民政府對日情報及意見史料.
DS773.89 .G86 2002 v.3 國民政府檔案. 國民政府著作權法令史料.
DS777 .S864 1998 孫中山先生紀念地巡禮 = A tour of Dr. Sun Yat-sen's memorial places.
DS777.15.C5 A2 1997 陳獨秀專集 = The full texts of Chen Duxiu's works.
DS777.43 .J53 1999 敎育界紀念五四運動八十周年圖片特輯.
DS777.488.C5 J87 2002 v.1 蔣中正總統文物. 革命文獻. 北伐史料.
DS777.488.C5 J87 2002 v.2 蔣中正總統文物. 革命文獻. 寧漢分裂與淸黨.
DS777.488.C5 J87 2002 v.3 蔣中正總統文物. 革命文獻. 剿共與西安事變.
DS777.488.C5 J87 2002 v.4 蔣中正總統文物. 革命文獻. 中日關係史料.
DS777.53 .F38 2005 反日浪潮, 百年血淚.
DS779.15 .C542 China : facts & figures.
DS779.17 .G35 1999 改革開放二十年重要文獻庫.
DS779.23 .C665 2000 Contemporary Chinese societies : continuity and change.
DS786 .B83 1998 布達拉宮.
DS793.G67 C525 1995 長城 = Great Wall.
DS793.Y3 Z4425 1995 中國長江三峽 = The Yangtze River and the three gorges of China.
DS793.Y35 Y56 1994 飲水思源 = Journey to the source : an expedition along the Yangtze River.
DS795.8.F67 G83 1997 故宮.
DS796.H73 H66 1993 Hong Kong at its best.
DS796.H74 X425 香港,背景資料 = Hong Kong, background information.
DS796.H747 W63 2000 我也來考古 = You be the archaeologist.
DS796.H757 A18 1997 1997 handover.
DS796.H757 H6474 2004 Hong Kong Governance 1984-2004 : Continuity and Change : Department of Public & Social Administration, City University of Hong Kong, 1 November 2004 : 20th anniversary seminar.
DS796.H757 O64 1997 History of Hong Kong.
DS796.H757 T45 2005 特首選舉風雲錄.
DS796.H757 W438 2002 維多利亞城 = City of Victoria.
DS796.H757 W4382 2002 City of Victoria = 維多利亞城.
DS796.H757 W46 2005 文物探索之旅.
DS796.H757 X45 2000 昔日的香港.
DS796.H757 X5395 2000 香港歷史 : 1842-1997.
DS796.H76 C423 2003 Central time.
DS796.H76 C4242 2003 香港中西區地方掌故 = Legends of the Central & Western District Hong Kong.
DS796.H76 E3732 2005 東區風物志 : 集體記憶社區情.
DS796.H76 S525 2000 深水埗現況與發展. 從深水埗到深水埗.
DS796.H76 T3744 2007 大埔風物志.
DS796.S55 Z68 1995 走向新世紀 : 中國西安 = Striding forward towards 2000 : Xi'an China.
DS796.S85 S86 1997 蘇州水鄉風韻 = The charm of Suzhou Water Country.
DS796.S85 S95 1997 蘇州園林 = The gardens of Suzhou.
DS797.32.H86 H882 2003 惠陽縣志.
DS799 .R45 1998 認識台灣.
DS799 .T345 2004 Taiwan : more than an island.
DS799.24 .T375 2004 臺灣搜奇 = The wonders of Taiwan.
DS799.43.P89 B45 1998 卑南遺址與卑南文化 : 考古學入門.
DS799.82.W8 K83 2002 跨世紀个人格者 : 三連仙个一生.
DS799.848 .Z573 中華民國 .. 外交年鑑.
DS821 .V69 1997 Voyage in Japan : modern and traditional.
DS885.2 .S73 1999 StarFestival : a return to Japan.
DS891.2 .J37 1995 Japan's foreign policy on CD-ROM : January 1992 - March 1995.
DS902.4 .D96 2002 Dynamic Korea 2002.
DS902.4 .D96 2003 Dynamic Korea 2003.
DS902.4 .K665 2004 Dynamic Korea.
DS902.4 .K665 2005 Korea on the move : a window on Korea 2005.
DS904 .T68 1995 Touch the spirit : Korea.
DS904 .T68 1996 Touch the spirit : Korea 96.
DS907.18 .H57 1996 The history of Korea.
DT14 .M83 1993 Microsoft Encarta Africana.
DT87 .V693 1995 Voyage in Egypt.
DT1945 .S562 1999 Truth and Reconciliation Commission of South Africa Report. Volume 1-5 .
E158 .L473 1993 Let's go : the budget guide to the USA 1993.
F128.9.C5 T73 2001 Transitions : the changing profile of New York Chinatown.
F869.L857 K53 2003 Bleeding through : layers of Los Angeles, 1920- 1986.
F869.P3 C86 2005 Cultivating Pasadena : from roses to redevelopment.
F2520.1.Y3 B54 1997 Y¸anomamö interactive : the ax fight.