Class C-F | CD-ROM/DVD-ROM List |
Call Number | Title |
CB158 .F875 2003 | Future research methodology. |
CB253 .V69 1997 | Voyage to the gates of the Orient. |
CB311 .L67 1997 | Lost Civilizations. |
CC165 .E97 1994 | Exploring ancient cities : Crete, Petra, Pompeii, Teotihuacan. |
CC165 .I58 1995 | Introduction to archaeology. |
CJ3495 .T362 2000 | 中國錢幣學辭典. |
CT120 .A17 1996 | 20th century newsmakers. |
CT1836 .G46 2004 | 現代日本人名錄 2004. |
D20 .C57 1997 | Chronicle encyclopedia of history. |
D20 .E948 1998 | Eyewitness history of the world 2.0. |
D20 .W65 1998 | World Book discoveries. |
D21 .E94 1995 | Eyewitness history of the world. |
D23 .M85 1994 | Multimedia world history. |
D25 .B38 1996 | Battles of the world : the interactive history of war. |
D358 .C43 1993 | Changing times. |
D358 .R47 1999 | ResourceLink : 19th-century world history. |
D421 .A15 1993 | 20th century video almanac. |
D421 .R47 1999 | ResourceLink : 20th-century world history. |
D421 .W57 1999 | World history : 20th century. |
D422 .C47 1996 | Chronicle of the 20th century. |
D523 .C38 1996 | The causes of World War I. |
D860 .M858 2002 | Multiple translation Chinese corpus. |
D860 .M86 2003 | Multiple translation Chinese (MTC) part 2. |
D923 .O8 1994 | 歐遊誌. |
DA650 .B75 1993 | Britain at its best. |
DA684.2 .L66 1993 | London : the multimedia tour. |
DC16 .F73 1993 | France at its best. |
DC31 .V693 1995 | Voyage in France. |
DC31 .V6932 1997 | Voyage en France. |
DC33 .P37 1995 | Paris. |
DC707 .P375 1997 | Paris : promenades and history. |
DD290.26 .T53 2005 | 13terStock : ein interaktiver Dokumentarfilm. |
DE71 .A53 1997 | Ancient civilizations of the Mediterranean. |
DE71 .A532 1997 | Ancient civilization of the Mediterranean. |
DF77 .P46 2000 | Perseus 2.0 : interactive sources and studies on ancient Greece. |
DF77 .V69 1997 | Voyage in Greece. |
DG311 .G53 1999 | The history of the decline and fall of the Roman Empire. |
DG674.2 .V45 1998 | Venezia. |
DK510.22 .N49 1994 | The new Russia and her neighbors. |
DS109.15 .J48 1997 | Jerusalem : the holy city. |
DS109.9 .P38 1995 | Pathways through Jerusalem. |
DS116 .H472 1998 | Heritage : civilization and the Jews. |
DS247.T82 U65 2005 | United Arab Emirates 2005. |
DS508.2 .O75 1991 | The Orient. |
DS610.73.L45 L435 1994 | 李光耀 = Lee Kuan Yew. |
DS701 .S562 no.133 | Scientific evidence for pre-Columbian transoceanic voyages. |
DS706 .C464 1994 | China : home of the dragon. |
DS706 .C55 1995 | China bookshelf. |
DS706 .R46 1999 | 認識祖國. |
DS712 .C53 1993 | China scenes. |
DS712 .Z59 1996 | 中華名勝 = Splendid China. |
DS719 .S56 1997 | 神秘的黃陵 = Mysterious Huangdi Tomb. |
DS719 .Z56 1996 | 中國帝王陵 = The imperial tombs of China. |
DS721 .C75 2000 | 中國文化光碟 = Chinese civilisation digitised. |
DS721 .Z4669 2001 | 中华历史文库. |
DS731.H3 K425 1999 | 客家人文 = The cultural phenomena of Hakkas. |
DS734.97.C6 G86 2009 | 國情教育活動分享及教材套. |
DS735.A2 E692 1999 | 二十五史. |
DS747.2 .S75522 1999 | 資治通鑑. |
DS747.9.C47 E44 1995 | The eighth wonder of the world : the art of Qin Shihuang terracotta warriors and horses. |
DS747.9.C47 F57 1994 | The first emperor of China. |
DS755 .B37 2004 | 百年自強 : 中國近現代史硏習光碟. |
DS764.23.L52 A2 1998 | 梁啓超專集 = The full texts of Liang Qichao's works. |
DS773.89 .G86 2002 v.1 | 國民政府檔案. 中華民國國旗與國歌史料. |
DS773.89 .G86 2002 v.2 | 國民政府檔案. 國民政府對日情報及意見史料. |
DS773.89 .G86 2002 v.3 | 國民政府檔案. 國民政府著作權法令史料. |
DS777 .S864 1998 | 孫中山先生紀念地巡禮 = A tour of Dr. Sun Yat-sen's memorial places. |
DS777.15.C5 A2 1997 | 陳獨秀專集 = The full texts of Chen Duxiu's works. |
DS777.43 .J53 1999 | 敎育界紀念五四運動八十周年圖片特輯. |
DS777.488.C5 J87 2002 v.1 | 蔣中正總統文物. 革命文獻. 北伐史料. |
DS777.488.C5 J87 2002 v.2 | 蔣中正總統文物. 革命文獻. 寧漢分裂與淸黨. |
DS777.488.C5 J87 2002 v.3 | 蔣中正總統文物. 革命文獻. 剿共與西安事變. |
DS777.488.C5 J87 2002 v.4 | 蔣中正總統文物. 革命文獻. 中日關係史料. |
DS777.53 .F38 2005 | 反日浪潮, 百年血淚. |
DS779.15 .C542 | China : facts & figures. |
DS779.17 .G35 1999 | 改革開放二十年重要文獻庫. |
DS779.23 .C665 2000 | Contemporary Chinese societies : continuity and change. |
DS786 .B83 1998 | 布達拉宮. |
DS793.G67 C525 1995 | 長城 = Great Wall. |
DS793.Y3 Z4425 1995 | 中國長江三峽 = The Yangtze River and the three gorges of China. |
DS793.Y35 Y56 1994 | 飲水思源 = Journey to the source : an expedition along the Yangtze River. |
DS795.8.F67 G83 1997 | 故宮. |
DS796.H73 H66 1993 | Hong Kong at its best. |
DS796.H74 X425 | 香港,背景資料 = Hong Kong, background information. |
DS796.H747 W63 2000 | 我也來考古 = You be the archaeologist. |
DS796.H757 A18 1997 | 1997 handover. |
DS796.H757 H6474 2004 | Hong Kong Governance 1984-2004 : Continuity and Change : Department of Public & Social Administration, City University of Hong Kong, 1 November 2004 : 20th anniversary seminar. |
DS796.H757 O64 1997 | History of Hong Kong. |
DS796.H757 T45 2005 | 特首選舉風雲錄. |
DS796.H757 W438 2002 | 維多利亞城 = City of Victoria. |
DS796.H757 W4382 2002 | City of Victoria = 維多利亞城. |
DS796.H757 W46 2005 | 文物探索之旅. |
DS796.H757 X45 2000 | 昔日的香港. |
DS796.H757 X5395 2000 | 香港歷史 : 1842-1997. |
DS796.H76 C423 2003 | Central time. |
DS796.H76 C4242 2003 | 香港中西區地方掌故 = Legends of the Central & Western District Hong Kong. |
DS796.H76 E3732 2005 | 東區風物志 : 集體記憶社區情. |
DS796.H76 S525 2000 | 深水埗現況與發展. 從深水埗到深水埗. |
DS796.H76 T3744 2007 | 大埔風物志. |
DS796.S55 Z68 1995 | 走向新世紀 : 中國西安 = Striding forward towards 2000 : Xi'an China. |
DS796.S85 S86 1997 | 蘇州水鄉風韻 = The charm of Suzhou Water Country. |
DS796.S85 S95 1997 | 蘇州園林 = The gardens of Suzhou. |
DS797.32.H86 H882 2003 | 惠陽縣志. |
DS799 .R45 1998 | 認識台灣. |
DS799 .T345 2004 | Taiwan : more than an island. |
DS799.24 .T375 2004 | 臺灣搜奇 = The wonders of Taiwan. |
DS799.43.P89 B45 1998 | 卑南遺址與卑南文化 : 考古學入門. |
DS799.82.W8 K83 2002 | 跨世紀个人格者 : 三連仙个一生. |
DS799.848 .Z573 | 中華民國 .. 外交年鑑. |
DS821 .V69 1997 | Voyage in Japan : modern and traditional. |
DS885.2 .S73 1999 | StarFestival : a return to Japan. |
DS891.2 .J37 1995 | Japan's foreign policy on CD-ROM : January 1992 - March 1995. |
DS902.4 .D96 2002 | Dynamic Korea 2002. |
DS902.4 .D96 2003 | Dynamic Korea 2003. |
DS902.4 .K665 2004 | Dynamic Korea. |
DS902.4 .K665 2005 | Korea on the move : a window on Korea 2005. |
DS904 .T68 1995 | Touch the spirit : Korea. |
DS904 .T68 1996 | Touch the spirit : Korea 96. |
DS907.18 .H57 1996 | The history of Korea. |
DT14 .M83 1993 | Microsoft Encarta Africana. |
DT87 .V693 1995 | Voyage in Egypt. |
DT1945 .S562 1999 | Truth and Reconciliation Commission of South Africa Report. Volume 1-5 . |
E158 .L473 1993 | Let's go : the budget guide to the USA 1993. |
F128.9.C5 T73 2001 | Transitions : the changing profile of New York Chinatown. |
F869.L857 K53 2003 | Bleeding through : layers of Los Angeles, 1920- 1986. |
F869.P3 C86 2005 | Cultivating Pasadena : from roses to redevelopment. |
F2520.1.Y3 B54 1997 | Y¸anomamö interactive : the ax fight. |