Movies, Chinese - By Romanized Title : E-I

Movies, Chinese (Romanized title in alphabetical order) : 0-9 A-D E-I J-N O-T U-Z
Movies, Non-Chinese (Title in alphabetical order) : 0-9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P-Q R S T U V W X-Z
Call Number Title Medium
PZ3 .E196 2000z 惡鄰. VCD
PZ3 .E25 2008 惡男事件 = Yes, I can see dead people. DVD
PZ3 .E27 2014 惡戰 = Once upon a time in Shanghai. DVD
PZ3 .E28 1995 Eat drink man woman.
PZ3 .E73 1996 二嫫 = Ermo. LD
PZ3 .E74 2009b 二十四城記 = 24 city. DVD
PZ3 .E747 2002 二十五個孩子一個爹 = A father with his twenty-five children. DVD
PZ3 .E75 1998 兒子的大玩偶. VCD
PZ3 .E762 2005 Eros.
PZ3 .E76 2005 Eros.
PZ3 .J5286 2004 The eye 2.
見鬼 2
PZ3 .F287 2004 法外情 = The unwritten law. VCD
PZ3 .F34 2012 翻滾吧!阿信 = Jump A Shin!DVD
PZ3 .F35 1990z 販母案考. LD
PZ3 .F355 2002 反收數特遣隊 = Shark Busters. VCD
PZ3 .F358 2005 放浪 = Sweet degeneration. DVD
PZ3 .F363 1993 方世玉續集 = Fong Sai-yuk II. LD
PZ3 .F36 1993 方世玉 = Fong Sai-yuk.LD
PZ3 .F362 1990z 方世玉 = Fong Sai Yuk. DVD
PZ3 .F366 2004 方世玉與胡惠乾 = The shaolin avengers. VCD
PZ3 .F368 2006 放・逐 = Exiled. DVD
PZ3 .F425 1998 非常突然 = Expect the unexpected. VCD
PZ3 .F426 2009 非常完美.
Sophie's revenge
PZ3 .F4265 2013 非常幸運 = My lucky star. DVD
PZ3 .F427 2009 非誠勿擾 = If you are the one. DVD
PZ3 .F428 2010 非誠勿擾. = If you are the one.DVD
PZ3 .F429 2010 翡翠明珠 = The jade and the pearl. DVD
PZ3 .F4335 2013 飛虎出征 = SDU : sex duties unit. DVD
PZ3 .F43 1996 飛虎 = First option. VCD
PZ3 .F454 1996 飛虎雄心 2 之傲氣比天高 = Best of the best. VCD
PZ3 .F453 1994 飛虎雄心 = The final optional. LD
PZ3 .F434 2010 飛砂風中轉 = Once a gangster. DVD
PZ3 .F435 1999 飛一般愛情小說 = Love is not a game, but a joke. DVD
PZ3 .F44 1991 飛鷹計劃 = Armour of God II operation condor. LD
PZ3 .F437 2004 飛鷹 = Silver hawk. VCD
PZ3 .F45 1992 非洲和尚 = Crazy safari. LD
PZ3 .F4545 2006 妃子笑 = The China's next top princess. DVD
PZ3 .F4546 2013 分手合約 = A wedding invitation. DVD
PZ3 .F4547 2010 分手說愛你 = Break up club. DVD
PZ3 .F4549 2014 風暴 = Firestorm. DVD
PZ3 .F455 2000z 風兒踢踏踩 = Play while you play. Video
PZ3 .F456 1990z 鳳凰琴 = Country teachers. VCD
PZ3 .F457 2009 疯狂的赛车 = Crazy racer. DVD
PZ3 .F458 2006 瘋狂的石頭 = Crazy stone. DVD
PZ3 .F46 風流千古.Video
PZ3 .F464 2009 風聲.
PZ3 .F465 1998 風雨故園 = The old old house. VCD
PZ3 .F4658 2004 風月奇譚 = Legends of lust. DVD
PZ3 .F47 2000z 風雲兒女. VCD
PZ3 .F467 2010 風雲. = The storm warriors. DVD
PZ3 .F476 2009 風雲決.
Storm rider : clash of evils
PZ3 .F466 1998 風雲 : 雄霸天下 = The stormriders. DVD
PZ3 .F76 1997 Frozen. Video
PZ3 .F7672 2003 福伯. DVD
PZ3 .F7676 2012 浮城 = Floating city. DVD
PZ3 .F76765 2013 浮城謎事 = Mystery. DVD
PZ3 .F768 2009 復仇 = Vengeance. DVD
PZ3 .F7688 2011 復仇者之死 = "Revenge", a love story. DVD
PZ3 .F77 2002 富貴列車 = The millionaires' express. VCD
PZ3 .F783 2010 父後七日.
Seven days in heaven
PZ3 .F784 2002 父母心. VCD
PZ3 .F7847 2000z 腐蝕. VCD
PZ3 .F78475 2005 父與子. VCD
PZ3 .F7848 2007 父子 = After this our exile. DVD
PZ3 .F83 1998 父子關係 = The two of us. VCD
PZ3 .F84 1990z 父子情 = Father and son. VCD
PZ3 .F8 1980z 芙蓉鎮 = Hibiscus town. Video
PZ3 .F785 2000z 芙蓉傳. VCD
PZ3 .R45 2006 v.5 芙蓉傳. DVD
PZ3 .S55813 2000z Game of death.
PZ3 .S55913 2000z Game of death II.
PZ3 .G356 2011 钢的琴 = The piano in a factory. DVD
PZ3 .G36 1996 港督最後一個保鑣 = Bodyguards of last governor. VCD
PZ3 .G366 2009 岡拉梅朵 = Ganglamedo. DVD
PZ3 .G37 1999 高度戒備 = Full alert. DVD
PZ3 .G374 2012 高海拔之戀 II = Romancing in thin air. DVD
PZ3 .G3745 2012 高舉・愛 = Love lifting. DVD
PZ3 .G375 2009 高考 1977.
Examination 1977
PZ3 .G38 1984 高山下的花環 = Garlands at the foot of the mountain. Video
PZ3 .G45 1995 給爸爸的信 = My father is a hero. LD
PZ3 .G467 2007 跟蹤 = Eye in the sky. DVD
PZ3 .G64 2009 工廠少爺. DVD
PZ3 .G644 2009 功夫廚神= Kung fu chefs. DVD
PZ3 .G645 2008 功夫灌籃 = Kung fu dunk. DVD
PZ3 .K654 2005 功夫 = Kung fu hustle. DVD
PZ3 .G648 2008 功夫之王 = The forbidden kingdom. DVD
PZ3 .G662 2000 公元 2000 = 2000 AD. DVD
PZ3 .G66 2000 公元 2000 AD. VCD
PZ3 .G67 2004 公主復仇記 = Beyond our Ken. DVD
PZ3 .G78 1998 顧城別戀 = The Poet.
顧城別戀 = The Poet
PZ3 .G783 2011 孤島驚魂 = Mysterious island. DVD
PZ3 .G784 2006 孤岛天堂.
Heaven under occupation
PZ3 .G8 1991 鼓書藝人 = The street players. Video
PZ3 .G823 2004 古宅心慌慌 = The Death curse. DVD
PZ3 .G8234 2000z 關不住的春光. VCD
PZ3 .G8235 1997 關漢卿. VCD
PZ3 .G8236 2011 關雲長 = The lost bladesman. DVD
PZ3 .G8237 2005 光榮人家. DVD
PZ3 .G8242 2000z 光陰的故事 = In our time. DVD
PZ3 .G824 1998 光陰的故事 = In out time. VCD
PZ3 .G825 2011 觀音山 = Buddha Mountain. DVD
PZ3 .G828 2004 鬼馬狂想曲= Fantasia. VCD
PZ3 .G83 1998 鬼馬雙星 = Games gamblers play. VCD
PZ3 .G835 1990z 鬼馬智多星 = All the wrong clues. VCD
PZ3 .G838 2007 詭絲 = Silk. DVD
PZ3 .G84 歸心似箭.Video
PZ3 .G844 2006 鬼眼刑警 = Don't open your eyes. DVD
PZ3 .G845 2006 鬼域 = Re-cycle. DVD
PZ3 .G85 2005 鬼子來了. DVD
PZ3 .G86 1991 滾滾紅塵 = Red dust. LD
PZ3 .G863 2009 滾拉拉的真愛旅程 = Lala's gun. DVD
PZ3 .G864 1994 國產凌凌漆 = From Beijing with love. LD
PZ3 .G8642 2000z 國產凌凌漆. DVD
PZ3 .G866 2000z 國歌 = The national anthem. VCD
PZ3 .G868 2014 過界 = Bends. DVD
PZ3 .G875 2000z 過年回家 = Seventeen years. VCD
PZ3 .G87 1990z 過年 = The spring festival. VCD
PZ3 .G878 2010 國中女生. DVD
PZ3 .H26 2005 海港. DVD
PZ3 .H34 1995 海根 = Sea root. VCD
PZ3 .H265 2008 海角七號 = Cape no.7. DVD
PZ3 .H272 1999 海上花 = Flowers of Shanghai. VCD
PZ3 .H27 2000z 海上花 = Flowers of Shanghai. DVD
PZ3 .H278 1980z 海水正藍 = When the ocean is blue. LD
PZ3 .H282 1990z 海灘的一天 = That day, on the beach. Video
PZ3 .H3 海峽兩岸.LD
PZ3 .H3426 2010 海洋天堂 = Ocean heaven. DVD
PZ3 .H3428 2012 孩子不坏 = We not naughty. DVD
PZ3 .H343 2009 孩子的天空 = Lupinghua 2009.
Colourful mind
PZ3 .H3435 2007 孩子王.
King of the children
PZ3 .H344 2005 海南雞飯 = Rice rhapsody. VCD
PZ3 .H345 1990z 漢宮淚史. VCD
PZ3 .H346 2013 寒戰 = Cold war. DVD
PZ3 .H347 1990z 杭州王爺. VCD
PZ3 .H348 1990z 好男好女. VCD
PZ3 .H3484 2008 好奇害死猫 = Curiosity kills the cat. DVD
PZ3 .H34845 2003 豪情 = Naked ambition. DVD
PZ3 .H3485 2004 好事成雙. VCD
PZ3 .H3487 2004 豪俠傳 = Killers five. VCD
PZ3 .H37 1996 Hard-boiled.
PZ3 .H3488 2012 河東獅吼. = The lion roars.DVD
PZ3 .H3489 2005 合家歡 = Mr. Coconut. DVD
PZ3 .H349 1999 河流. Video
PZ3 .H3492 2000z 河流.
PZ3 .H394 2003 和你在一起. DVD
PZ3 .H35 1995 和平飯店 = Peace hotel. LD
PZ3 .H352 2003 和平飯店 = Peace Hotel. DVD
PZ3 .H352 2003 和平飯店 = Peace Hotel. DVD
PZ3 .H4 1991 何日君再來 = Au revoir, mon amour. LD
PZ3 .H395 2002 何日君再來 = Till the end of time. DVD
PZ3 .H4223 2011 河豚 = Blowfish. DVD
PZ3 .H424 2003 黑白森林 = Colour of the truth. DVD
PZ3 .H425 2005 黑白戰場 = Colour of the loyalty. DVD
PZ3 .H426 2001 黑玫瑰. VCD
PZ3 .H432 2007 黑砲事件.
Black cannon incident
PZ3 .H43 2000z 黑砲事件 = Black cannon incident. Video
PZ3 .H44 2006 黑拳 = Fatal contact. DVD
PZ3 .H45 2005 黑社會 = Election. DVD
PZ3 .H455 2003 黑俠 = Black Mask. DVD
PZ3 .H4555 2008 黑眼圈 = I don't want to sleep alone. DVD
PZ3 .H457 2011 Hello! 树先生 = Mr. Tree. DVD
PZ3 .H46 1995 橫紋刀劈扭紋柴 = Just married. LD
PZ3 .Q5222 2001 Histoires de fantômes Chinois.
倩女幽魂 III : 道道道
PZ3 .H64 2005 红灯记. DVD
PZ3 .H663 1995 紅番區 = Rumble in the Bronx. LD
PZ3 .H65 1990z 紅粉 = The rouge. VCD
PZ3 .H662 2005 红高粱.
Red sorghum
PZ3 .H66 1990z 紅高粱 = Red Sorghum. Video
PZ3 .H666 2005 红河谷. DVD
PZ3 .H67 1998 紅河激浪. VCD
PZ3 .H665 2009 紅河 = Red River. DVD
PZ3 .H674 2003 紅伶淚 = Vermilion door. DVD
PZ3 .H6745 2000z 紅樓夢. VCD
PZ3 .R45 2006 v.4 紅梅白雪賀新春. DVD
PZ3 .H675 2001 紅玫瑰白玫瑰 = Red rose white rose. VCD
PZ3 .H676 2012 鴻門宴傳奇 = White vengeance. DVD
PZ3 .H677 1999 紅色戀人 = A Time to remember. VCD
PZ3 .H678 2005 红色娘子军. DVD
PZ3 .H6784 2007 紅柿子.
Red persimmon
PZ3 .H679 2005 洪文定三破白蓮教 = Clan of the White Lotus. VCD
PZ3 .H68 2000z 紅衣少女. Video
PZ3 .H683 2005 後備甜心 = It had to be you. VCD
PZ3 .H6833 2013 候鳥來的季節 = Stilt. DVD
PZ3 .H6834 2005 蝴蝶 = Butterfly. DVD
PZ3 .H6837 2008 蝴蝶飛 = Linger. DVD
PZ3 .H6835 2009 蝴蝶 = Soul of a demon. DVD
PZ3 .H84 1996 虎度門. VCD
PZ3 .H684 2000z 胡越的故事.
Story of Woo Viet
PZ3 .H6842 1982 胡越的故事 = The story of Woo Viet. LD
PZ3 .H6844 2012 畫壁 = Mural. DVD
PZ3 .H6845 2008 花吃了那女孩 = Candy rain. DVD
PZ3 .H685 2004 花好月圓 = Elixir of love. VCD
PZ3 .H687 2008 花花型警 = Playboy cops. DVD
PZ3 .H688 2000z 画魂 = La peintre. DVD
PZ3 .H689 1996 花木兰. VCD
PZ3 .H6895 2004 花木蘭 = Lady general Hua Mu-lan. DVD
PZ3 .H68955 2010 花木蘭 = Mulan. DVD
PZ3 .H6897 2012 畫皮. = Painted skin : the resurrection. DVD
PZ3 .H6896 2008 畫皮 = Painted skin. DVD
PZ3 .H69 1990z 畫皮之陰陽法王 = Painted skin. VCD
PZ3 .H835 1994 花旗少林 = Treasure hunt. LD
PZ3 .H77 2002 花田錯. DVD
PZ3 .H7853 2010 花田囍事 2010 = All's well end's well too 2010. DVD
PZ3 .H785 1993 花田囍事 = All's well end's well, too. LD
PZ3 .H7852 2000z 花田囍事 = All's well end's well, too. DVD
PZ3 .H7855 2002 花心大少 = Hong Kong playboy. DVD
PZ3 .H786 2001 花樣年華. DVD
PZ3 .H7862 2012 花樣年華.
In the mood for love
PZ3 .H834 1995 花月佳期 = Love in the time of twilight. LD
PZ3 .H788 2002 花月良宵 = Hong Kong rhapsody. DVD
PZ3 .H8152 2000 還我情心 = My heart will go on. DVD
PZ3 .H8195 2010 荒村公寓 = Curse of the deserted. DVD
PZ3 .H83119 1998 黃飛鴻.
Once upon a time in China
PZ3 .H83 1992 黃飛鴻 = Once upon a time in China. LD
PZ3 .H83123 2001 黃飛鴻 = Once upon a time in China ; 黃飛鴻之二 : 男兒當自強 = Once upon a time in China II. DVD
PZ3 .H832 1992 黃飛鴻之二 : 男兒當自強 = Once upon a time in China II. LD
PZ3 .H833 1998 黃飛鴻之男兒當報國 = Fist from Shaolin.VCD
PZ3 .H8322 1992 黃飛鴻之三 : 獅王爭霸 = Once upon a time in China III. LD
PZ3 .H8323 1993 黃飛鴻之四 : 王者之風 = Once upon a time in China IV. LD
PZ3 .H8334 1990z 黃河謡.
Ballad of the Yellow River
PZ3 .H824 1990z 皇家飯 = The law enforcer. DVD
PZ3 .H8338 2005 皇家師姐 IV : 直擊證人 = In the line of duty 4. DVD
PZ3 .H8335 1999 皇家師姐 = Yes, Madam. DVD
PZ3 .H8445 2005 皇家香港警察的最後一夜 = The final night of the Royal Hong Kong Police. DVD
PZ3 .H845 1998 皇天后土 = The coldest winter in Peking. VCD
PZ3 .H82 黃土地.Video
PZ3 .H822 2003 黄土地. DVD
PZ3 .H848 1990z 荒雪. VCD
PZ3 .H847 1990z 黃鶯大戰亞拉丁 = The formula. VCD
PZ3 .H854 2010 混混天團 = Gangster rock. DVD
PZ3 .H856 1990z 混在北京. VCD
PZ3 .H86 火龍.LD
PZ3 .H857 2010 火龍 = Fire of conscience. DVD
PZ3 .H8 火燒圓明園.LD
PZ3 .H8149 1990z 火燒圓明園.
Burning of Imperial Palace
PZ3 .H8625 2002 惑星軌跡 = Among the stars. VCD
PZ3 .H8627 2006 霍元甲 = Fearless. DVD
PZ3 .H8632 2000z 活着. DVD
PZ3 .H863 1994 活著 = Lifetimes. LD