Following is a tour of some selected rare
books of the collection. You may view the enlarged image of a title by
clicking its photo(s).
Blackstone, William,
Sir. Commentaries on the laws of England.
Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1768-1769.
Sir William Blackstone (1723-1780), the first Vinerian
Professor of Law of the University of Oxford, delivered a series of lectures
first given at Oxford and subsequently published as The Commentaries.
They successfully explain the whole of the Common Law of England in an
elegant style & intelligent arrangement, particularly suited to the use of
students. Being portable & cheaply pirated, they were popular in the
American Colonies and throughout the Common Law world have exercised more
influence than any other law book. Blackstone became a judge of the King's
Bench and later Common Pleas.
Bracton, Henry de.
Henrici de Bracton de legibus & consuetudinibus Anglie libri quinq.
Londini: Apud Richardum Tottellum, 1569.
Henry de Bracton (d.1268) was a judge of the King's Bench from about 1248 to
1257. His textbook
De Legibus et Consuetutinibus Angliae (On the Laws and Customs of
England) was written some time between 1220 & 1240, brought up to date
in about 1250 but first printed in 1569. Like the work of many scholars
since, it was written to prevent law students being misled by ignorant
judges, though Bracton is the only one who has dared say so. This is the
first edition. |
Brooke, Robert, Sir.
La graunde abridgement. London: Richardi Tottell, 1573.
Sir Robert Brooke (d. 1558) was Chief Justice of Common
Pleas (1554). His Abridgement digests over 20,000 decisions
alphabetically, mostly from the Year Books. This is the first edition
Coke, Edward, Sir.
The first part of the institutes of the lawes of England; or, A Commentary
upon Littleton...
4th ed. London: Printed by MFIH and R Y. Assignes of I. More Esquire, 1639.
Sir Edward Coke
(1552-1634) was Chief Justice of Common Pleas 1606 and of King's Bench 1613.
As Attorney-General he prosecuted Sir Walter Raleigh, giving an exhibition
of savage bullying which would have made Vyshinsky blush. He had an enormous
knowledge of the law, its sources & history, much of it false. His judgement
was faulty whenever self-interest intervened but he stuck up bravely for the
Common Law against his patron James I. His profound knowledge of the law was
nowhere more impressively displayed than in his Reports & in the
great textbook On Littleton (1628). Its popularity is proved by this
fourth edition within eleven years. It is so authoritative that it is an
exception to the rule that the Common Law is not found in textbooks.
A collection of all the statutes, from the beginning of Magna Charta, vnto
this present yeare of our Lord God 1579. London: Christopher
Barker, 1579.
Printed collections of statutes begin in the late
fifteenth century but the first attempts to print all statutes in force date
from the middle of the sixteenth. This book is a good example of an early
collection. The Magna Charta referred to as the starting point of such
collections is not the original of King John (1215) but a reproclamation of
the ninth year of Henry III (1225).
Fitzherbert, Anthony, Sir. La graunde abridgement. London: Richardi
Tottelli, 1577.
Sir Anthony
Fitzherbert (1470-1538) was a judge of Common Pleas (1521). His La
Graunde Abridgement digests over 14,000 decisions alphabetically, mostly
from the Year Books. First published c1516.
Fitzherbert, Anthony, Sir. La novvelle natura breuiu. Londini: Richardi
Tottelli, 1553.
Sir Anthony
Fitzherbert's La Novelle Natura Brevium is a collection of writs &
manual of procedure. First published 1534. This is the 3rd edition. His
manual for justices of the peace was written in 1538.
Fortescue, John, Sir. A learned commendation of the politique lawes of England.
[London: Richarde Tottell, 1573].
Sir John Fortescue (1394?-1476?) was Chief Justice of King's Bench (1442).
Exiled for supporting the losing side (House of Lancaster) 1461. Returned
1471. In exile wrote De Laudibus Legum Angliae,(In Praise of the Laws of
England), a dialogue between the author & his pupil, Edward, Prince of
Wales. First edition 1567. Did this copy belong to Shakespeare?
Glanville, Ranulf de.
The treatise on the laws and customs of the realm of England commonly called
London: Nelson in asso. with the Selden Society, 1965.
Ranulf de Glanville (1130-1190) wrote the Tractatus
de Legibus et Consuetutinibus Angliae (The Treatise on the Laws and Customs
of the Realm of England) in about 1189. It was first printed in 1554. It
deals with the procedure of the royal courts. Chief Justiciar of England, he
was at other times Henry II's first choice as general, judge and right hand
man. If he did not compose this book, he had a hand in it.
Gregory IX, Pope. Decretales. Parisiis: Cum Licentia, 1587.
Pope Gregory IX (ca.1170-1241) was a scholar & lawyer.
The Decretals, which appeared under his name in 1234 are important in
the history of Canon Law.
Intrationum liber omnibus legum Anglie... [Londini]: Excudebat
Denricus, 1546.
Intrationium liber omnibus is called in
English the Old Book of Entries. First published 1545 or 1546. It is a
collection of precedents of pleadings. Is this a first edition?
Rastell, John. Les termes de la ley; or Certain difficult and obscure words
and terms of the common laws and statutes of this realm now in use,
expounded and explained.
Corr. and enl. London: W . Rawlins [etc.] 1685.
John Rastell was a lawyer & member of
Parliament. He married Thomas More's sister. He edited & published legal
works and wrote this one himself. It is one of the earliest law
dictionaries. Later editions were called Les Termes de la Ley. He
published the first edition of the statutes in English in 1579, containing
all those then in force.
Les reports des cases en ley... London: George Sawbridge, [etc.,
The Year Books (1224?-1650?), depending
upon the definition, run for about four hundred years from the middle
of the 13th to the mid-17th centuries. They are more or less verbatim
reports of the arguments & judgements of Common Pleas or in eyre. They were
called "term-books" at the time, because they were collected & sold a term
at a time. They were written, perhaps by students for students and remained
in Law-French after the transactions they reported were in English. When
they came to be printed they were collected by the year, each volume
containing a number of years. This is a specially fine & early example of
cases heard in the long reign of Edward III (1327-1377). |
Seldon, John.
Joannis Seldeni jurisconsulti opera omnia, tam edita quam inedita. Londini: Typis Guil Bowyer,
John Selden (1554-1654) was a barrister (1612) but spent most of his life as a scholar.
He is the first great English legal historian. He was also active on the
democratic side in politics and a leader of the movement against the King,
though he retired from politics at the Commonwealth. Learned in many
languages, he wrote on a wide range of topics & his writings are collected
in his
Opera Omnia. The society for the study of the history of the Common
Law is called the Selden Society in his honour.
Staunford, William,
Sir. Les plees del coron. [London]: Richardi Tottell,
Sir William Staunford (1509-1558) was a judge
of Common Pleas (1554). His Les Plees del Coron is the first textbook
of the English criminal law. First published 1557. This is the third
edition, ten years later, which shows its popularity. |