Study Carrels

Single/double Study Carrels are available for loan to different categories of eligible users on an hourly basis. These carrels provide a quiet, private and secluded place to study.

Eligible Users

Staff and Students

Staff and students of programmes leading to CityUHK awards, including associate degree, bachelor's degree and postgraduate degree students, are eligible to make advance bookings for the Study Carrels via the Resource Booker.

Room Details

Type Nature Total No. Room No.
Study Carrels Single Unit 16 101-110, 113-118
Double Unit 2 111-112
Group Unit 1 119

Locations of Study Carrels

Booking Policy for Staff and Students

  • Bookings should be made online via the Resource Booker. Users may also delete or view their reservations online via the same system.
  • All available time slots are reserved on a first-come-first-served basis.
  • Hours for booking are confined to the Circulation Counter service hours.
  • Each time slot is a one-hour session which starts at every hour, i.e., 09:00, 19:00 etc.
  • Reservations are limited to a maximum of 20 hours per week.
  • Bookings can be made up to 5 days in advance.
  • Reservation system access will be denied when the reservation account expires.

Accessing the Library Facilities Booking System (For Staff & Students Only)

  • Eligible users may access the Resource Booker directly from the link on this page or via the Library Home Page:
    • Library Home Page
      • Select <Facilities> from the top menu bar, then choose <Booking System>.
      • Under Quick Links box, select <Resource Booker>.

Checking In and Out

  • During the period of booked sessions, users can access the booked carrels directly.
  • To check details of your booking account and booking history, users can:
  • If a user is late for the first 15 minutes of any reserved hour, the Library reserves the right to forfeit a booking hour and allow any patron to use the remaining hour without further notice.
  • When the booked sessions have expired, users are required to turn off the lights of the room, return the furniture to its original setting before leaving the room and close the door behind them.

Conduct of Users

  • The doors of the study carrels CANNOT be locked, do not leave any valuables in the Study Carrels while leaving the rooms. The Library is not responsible for any loss of personal property.
  • Please remove all personal belongings from the Study Carrels after use. Library staff members will remove any personal belongings left behind. No prior notice will be given.
  • Do not leave any library books or any in-house use materials (e.g. reference books, journals, etc.) in the Study Carrels. Library staffs have the right to remove any library materials found in the rooms.
  • Any damage / disorder of furniture or fixtures in the Study Carrels should be reported to the Circulation Counter at once. In case of misuse or negligence, users will be held responsible for the total cost incurred for repair or replacement.
  • The Study Carrels are strictly for academic use only.
  • No food is permitted inside the Study Carrels.
  • Do not cover the window screens on the doors.
  • The Study Carrels should be kept clean and tidy all times. Please dispose of any rubbish, old newspapers, used tissue papers, etc. properly.
  • Noise must be kept to the lowest possible level.
  • Users should not transfer the booking or usage to other university members or outsiders.
  • Please observe Library Regulations at all times.

Important Notes to Users

  • The Library reserves the right to inspect the Study Carrels even if they are in use.
  • The Library reserves the right to refuse lending the Study Carrels to any user who fails to observe the rules and regulations.
  • The Library has the final say on how to allocate the Study Carrels should there be any arguments among/from the users.


Please contact Library's Access Services Section:

Telephone: 3442-8316