Humanities Academy 人文學堂


The Humanities Academy, a contemporary version of the traditional Chinese quadrangle (四合院), is the centre of academic and cultural activities in the Library. Its environment and ambience provide opportunities for students to learn more about Chinese culture and the humanities. Situated behind the Oval and the Mini Theatre (Le ciel de l'esprit), the Humanities Academy is a place designed for interaction and freeform learning.

In the middle of the Humanities Academy is an open interactive area for all users (staff, students, alumni card and other library card holders) and will host library events, talks and seminars. The seating capacity of the middle area is over 60. Eligible users can access the Internet with their laptops via the wireless local area network in the area.

Group Study Room
At the three sides of the quadrangle are eight enclosed and fully-equipped Group Study Rooms (Room no. 1004-1011). The audio-visual equipment and laptops (Rooms no. 1001 – 1008, 1011) / desktop PCs (Rooms no. 1009 & 1010) inside the rooms can support presentation activities, group viewing and video conferencing. There are two group study rooms designed in Persian and Korean style (Room no. 1009-1010) at the far corners of the Humanities Academy which create an environment inspiring students' interest in world civilization.

Advance booking for the Group Study Rooms is available to eligible patrons via the Resource Booker.

Open Room
For users who prefer to carry out their group discussions in a semi-enclosed environment, the two Open Rooms inside the quadrangle provide the ideal venues. Eligible users can access the Internet with their laptops via the wireless local area network in the Open Room.

Bridge Open Room Group Study Room Courtyard

Room Details and Equipment

Room Details (Floor Plan)
Nature Open Room Group Study Rooms
Room No. OP1 OP2 1001 1002 1003 1004 1005 1006 1007 1008 1009 1010 1011
Room Name 論語 孝經 老子 春秋 曹金霖夫人
Mrs Chao King Lin Study Room
General Education Room (K)
Room Style --- ------ --- Persian Korean ---
Seating Capacity 4 - 8 8 8 8 10 10 8 8 8 8 6 10
Purpose Support academic group activities
Eligible Users All Users Resource Booker
Advance Booking Walk-in
Priority for Department ----- Yes
(7 days in advance)
Email to
Wireless Local Area Network Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
55" LED TV (4K) Library Display only Yes Yes Yes Yes
IP Phone
(connect to IT Help Desk)
--- 1
All rooms are under CCTV surveillance.

Booking of the Group Study Rooms

Eligible Users

Staff and students of programmes leading to CityUHK awards including associate degree, bachelor's degree and postgraduate degree, are eligible to use the Group Study Room during the IT Help Desk service hours and make advance bookings via the Resource Booker. Users may also delete or view their reservations online via the same system.

When the IT Help Desk is closed, the room will entertain *walk-in users without equipment provision and support. During Semester/Term Break right after examinations, the *walk-in sessions will be suspended as demand for seats to carry out private studies is low. But during the Lunar New Year Break and the Easter Break, the *walk-in sessions will still be available.

N.B. * “Walk-in” session is temporarily unavailable for Group Study Rooms due to current pandemic situation.

Accessing the Library Facilities Booking System

  • Eligible users may access the Resource Booker directly from the link on this page and login with their <Electronic ID> and the corresponding <Password>.

Booking Policy and Procedures

  1. There must be at least 4 users in the room during booked sessions, including the principal user who makes the actual booking.
  2. The Library reserves the right to forfeit any booked sessions for rooms that are not occupied by the principal user who makes the actual booking and does not contain the minimum number of users required.
  3. Reservations are limited to a maximum of 20 hours per week.
  4. All available time slots are reserved on a first-come-first-served basis.
  5. Hours for booking are confined to the IT Help Desk service hours.
  6. When the IT Help Desk is closed, the rooms will entertain *walk-in users without equipment provision and support. During Semester/Term Break right after examinations, the *walk-in sessions will be suspended as demand for seats to carry out private studies is low. But during the Lunar New Year Break and the Easter Break, the *walk-in sessions will still be available.
  7. Bookings can be made up to 5 days in advance. (With the exception to Room 1005 for which departments will have the priority to make reservation 7 days in advance by sending an email request to the Library at
  8. Each time slot is a one-hour session which starts at every hour sharp, i.e. 09:00, 19:00 etc.
  9. If a user is late for the first 15 minutes of any reserved hour, the Library reserves the right to forfeit a booking hour and allow any patron to use the remaining hour without further notice. Other users wishing to use the remaining time (45 minutes maximum) will have to approach the IT Help Desk and register. Library staff will forfeit that specific hourly time slot from the original user's account. As the remaining time is less than one hour, no quota will be deducted from the new users' accounts.
  10. Users must observe and strictly follow the check-in and check-out procedures for the room. Otherwise, the principal user who makes the actual booking will be liable to any damage done to the equipment or furniture inside the rooms.
  11. Equipment failure or furniture damage must be reported to the IT Help Desk immediately during the IT Help Desk's service hours. Users can make use of the IP Phone inside the rooms to connect to the IT Help Desk.
  12. Reservation system access will be denied when the reservation account expires.

N.B. * “Walk-in” session is temporarily unavailable for Group Study Rooms due to current pandemic situation.

Check-in and Check-out Procedures

  • Eligible users can simply swipe their CityUHK smartcard against the access control system outside the room that they have booked to access into it.
  • When the booked sessions have expired, users are required to turn off the lights of the rooms, return the equipment and furniture to its original setting and lock the rooms.
  • It is important that users must lock the room after use so that they are completely signed off. The principal user who makes the actual booking will be held liable for damage done to the equipment or furniture inside the room if the room is unlocked after use.

Conduct of Users

  • Please remove all personal belongings from the Group Study Rooms after use. Library staff members will remove any personal belongings left behind. No prior notice will be given.
  • Do not leave any valuables in the Group Study Rooms when you are away from the room. The Library is not responsible for any loss of personal property.
  • Do not lock in the Group Study Rooms any library books that have not been borrowed or any in-house use materials (e.g. reference books, journals, newspapers, etc.). Library staff have the right to remove any library materials found in the rooms.
  • Any damage / disorder of furniture or fixtures in the Group Study Rooms should be reported to the IT Help Desk at once. In case of misuse or negligence, users will be held responsible for the total cost incurred for repair or replacement.
  • The Group Study Rooms are strictly for academic use only.
  • No food is permitted inside the Group Study Rooms.
  • Do not cover the window screens on the rooms.
  • The Group Study Rooms should be kept clean and tidy all the time. Please dispose of any rubbish, old newspapers, used tissue papers and alike properly.
  • Noise must be kept to the lowest possible level.
  • Users should not transfer the booking or usage to other university members or outsiders.
  • Please observe Library Regulations at all times.

Important Notes to Users

  • The Library reserves the right to inspect the rooms even when in use.
  • The Library reserves the right to refuse lending the rooms to any user who fails to observe the rules and regulations.
  • The Library has the final say on how to allocate the rooms should there be any arguments among/from the users.
  • During revision and examination periods, the Library reserves the right to open the rooms and convert them into temporary study areas.
  • All rooms are under CCTV surveillance.

Suggestions & Inquiries

Please contact Library's IT Help Desk.
Telephone: 3442-6963