The Library is pleased to announce the Outstanding Academic Papers by Students (OAPS) Certificate Awarding Ceremony which will be held on Friday, 24 April 2009. OAPS is a joint initiative between the Library and the academic departments to collect students' quality papers, preserve them in digital format and share them within the University and beyond so as to provide perpetual access to our students' research output. 2009 marks the fourth anniversary of the project, which continues to garner strong support from academic departments. With their dedication and support, the Library has collected 39 best papers nominated by 11 departments. As permission has been obtained from students, their papers were digitized and are made accessible via the CityU Institutional Repository
The details of the Ceremony are as follows:
OAPS has drawn considerable interests from universities worldwide and has developed collaborative partnership with universities in the United States, Korea, Thailand, Singapore, Mainland China and Taiwan. This year, we are pleased to welcome 2 new member institutions, namely University of Southern California (USC) and Nanyang Technological University, Singapore (NTU) who share the same aspirations of the OAPS Project and have actively advanced the project in their own institutions.
The Library is honored to have Dean Catherine Quinlan of USC Libraries, and Mr Choy Fatt Cheong, University Librarian of NTU, to be the facilitators for the sharing sessions with the awardees.
The Library is also pleased to have invited the Head or delegate of the following departments to present certificates to their fellow students:
In conjunction with the Ceremony, a selection of OAPS papers will also be displayed in the Learning Commons starting from 21 April 2009.
You are cordially invited to the Ceremony and the Exhibition. Please come and join us for this joyful occasion!
Run Run Shaw Library