中國傳統文化藝術品 圖書館精選館藏展覽 圖書館近年透過捐贈接收了一批珍貴的館藏,從未對外展出過。這系列的文物記錄了中國社會的生活面貌與歷史,訴說著屬於我們集體的過去,亦為城大的師生及研究人員提供深化中國歷史的機會以及在探索文化瑰寶方面賦予重要的線索。為了讓讀者能有機會細味這些獨特的館藏,圖書館特別精選了一系列展品,作為是次展覽的三個專題: 中國皮影戲戲偶 • 儺面具 • 50至80年代電影海報 無論你是希望把這些原始資料應用於課堂的老師,或是正就創新課題而進行探討的研究員,抑或是開始為習作展開研究的學生,圖書館都樂意與你們結伴同行,助你探討如何藉著這些獨特而珍貴的館藏,從而促進你們的教學、研究與學習。詳情查詢請電郵 城大圖書館衷心感謝陳列展品的捐贈者,令展覽得以舉行。 Chinese Cultural Artifacts Exhibition Curated Items from the Library Special Collection The Library has in recent years acquired various donated objects, some of which are very precious and have not been openly displayed. These artifacts reflect the richness of Chinese social and cultural history and provide an opportunity for students, researchers and the entire CityUHK community to trace and deepen the understanding of our cultural roots. This curated exhibition aims to showcase a selection of rare items from the following three categories: Chinese Shadow Puppets • Nuo Masks • Movie Posters 1950s–1980s Whether you are a teacher who wish to integrate primary sources into your courses, a researcher working on an innovative research topic, or a student beginning research for an assignment, we invite you to explore our very unique Special Collection. The Library would love to hear from you to discuss your needs and to partner with you to facilitate your teaching, learning and research. For further information, please contact: The Library is very grateful to our donors who have made this exhibition possible.