In line with the Discovery-enriched Curriculum (DEC) of the University, the Library organized a number of outside classroom learning activities based on the Resource-based Learning Approach which aimed to broaden the visions in other areas of students apart from their professional pursuits. We hope to open the door of the appreciation of arts of students in a step-by-step approach.
In the previous exhibitions of Chinese paintings and calligraphy, basics of these traditional Chinese arts were introduced. To further introduced to CityU community about these art forms, the Library is honored to have the great support from three acclaimed Chinese artists, Mr. Liao Fuxiang, Mr. Liao Yahui, and Mr. Zhang Youzhu, to organize an exhibition at the Multi-purpose Lobby from 9 Jan to 29 Feb 2012 in which over 50 artworks were exhibited. An opening ceremony was held on 10 Jan 2012 and officiating the ceremony were Mr. Liao Fuxiang, Mr. Liao Yahui, Mr. Zhang Youzhu, Prof. Arthur Ellis, Provost of CityU, Prof. Roderick Wong, Vice-President (Development & External Relations) of CityU, and Prof. Steve Ching, University Librarian.
In the ceremony, the three artists jointly presented to the Library a collaborative artwork which tells the story of the Confucius who studied the Book of Changes so hard that he broke the bamboo slips-made book three times. The story could represent the Library’s efforts in the pursuit of knowledge. This painting comprised of the Chinese painting by Mr. Zhang Youzhu, 題款by Mr. Liao Yahui, and seal stamping by Mr. Liao Fuxiang. Mr. Liao Fuxiang also presented a book collection seal specially made for CityU Library, which is the very first handmade seal of the Library.
Two workshops hosted by the artists were also organized for students from EMBA and the Department of Civil and Architectural Engineering on 10 Jan and for the Chinese judges of the Master of Laws (LLM) programme on 11 Jan. They were introduced to the basics of Chinese calligraphy and its relations with Chinese literature. They were also invited to write the subject words of their professional study in Chinese characters. In the workshop, the artists demonstrated their skills in Chinese painting and calligraphy. After the workshops, participants were presented with certificates to acknowledge their participation.