Quiz's Winners

MAO Yiyi (Student ID: 515XXX95)
AN Meng (Student ID: 509XXX42)
HO Kai Fung Rex(Student ID: 513XXX06)
NG Pearlsea (Student ID: 502XXX50)
LI Sin Man Katrina (Student ID: 512XXX49)
LEE Chi Wai (Student ID: 5XXXXXXX)
HU Keqiu (Student ID:514 XXX65)
HU Jingchen (Student ID: 511XXX50)
LING Sau Hung (Student ID: 518XXX24)
GAO Yu Jie (Student ID: 517XXX32)
CHEUNG King Tai (Student ID: 514XXX86)
GUO Yushan (Student ID: 514XXX35)
CHAN Hok Yee (Student ID: 512XXX00)
LAU Wan Pik (Student ID: 512XXX54)
LAI Wan Hei (Student ID: 503XXX13)
CHUNG Sing Ping (Student ID: 514XXX40)
LUO Zhan (Student ID: 514XXX05)
LU Ruoshui (Student ID: 514XXX91)


Unlocking the Door to Chinese Painting

1. According to the information we supplied, what are the four main categories in Chinese Painting?
A. Landscape, Religion, Figure, Still Life
B. Landscape, Figure, Bird and Flower, Genre
C. Figure, Cityscape, Bird and Flower, Religion

2. Which art forms below are believed to be most closely related to Chinese Painting?
A. Calligraphy and Poetry
B. Music and Embroidery
C. Calligraphy and Architecture

3. Which of the following is believed to be the most distinct characteristic of Chinese ink and wash painting?
A. Only black ink is used in various concentrations
B. It is dried by oxidation, not evaporation
C. Different colors of different inks are used in one piece of painting

4. Which of the following kind of painting was the most flourishing at the royal court in the T’ang Dynasty?
A. Landscape Painting
B. Figure Painting
C. Bird and Flower Painting

5. Who was NOT a painter of the T’ang Dynasty?
A. Chou Fang (周昉)
B. Li Zhaodao (李昭道)
C. Hisa Kuei (夏珪)

6. Which group of painters below emerged in the Northern Sung Dynasty to create a new kind of art in which they used their skills in calligraphy to make ink paintings?
A. Scholar-officials
B. Teachers at local schools
C. Artists serving the ruling class at the Imperial Painting Academy

7. Who is the painter of the following work “Dwelling in the Fuchun Mountains” (富春山居圖)?

A. Mi fu, Sung Dynasty (宋代‧米芾)
B. Huang Kung-wang, Yuan Dynasty (元代‧黃公望)
C. Tang Yin, Ming Dynasty (明代‧唐寅)

8. Which of the following kind of painting reduced in the Yuan Dynasty?
A. Landscape painting
B. Figure paintings that directly depicted the social life of Han people (漢人)
C. Literati painting

9. Which of the following is NOT a work from the Ming Dynasty?
A. Pa Ta-Shen Jen: A Deer at the Side of a Pine (八大山人︰松鹿圖 )
B. Tung Ch’i Ch’ang: Mt. Pei-ku (董其昌︰北固山)
C. T’ang Yin: Sound of Pines on a Mountain Path (唐寅︰山路松聲)

10. Here are two statements about Ch’ing Dynasty painting. Which of them are correct?
(1) Literati painting became the mainstream of painting.
(2) Some Ming loyalists tried hard to escape from the chaos of the Manchu conquest, they found sanctuary in the nature and landscape painting was prevailing.

A. Only statement (1) is correct.
B. Only statement (2) is correct.
C. Both statements (1) and (2) are correct.