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Dr. Yee Ping Wong (黃綺萍博士)

PhD (Sophia); MA, MA, BA (C.U.H.K.)

Instructor I at Chan Feng Men-ling Chan Shuk-Lin Language Centre

Contact Information

Office: LI-2100
Phone:   (852) 3442 8941
Fax:   (852) 3442 0165
Email: ypwong@cityu.edu.hk

Yee-ping earned her Bachelor of Arts (First Class Honours) with a major in Japanese Studies from The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK). She also received her Master of Arts in Japanese Language and Teaching and Master of Arts in Linguistics (Dean's List) from CUHK. She was awarded the Japanese Government MEXT Scholarship and obtained her PhD at Sophia University, Japan.

Prior to joining City University of Hong Kong, she had worked for The University of Hong Kong, The Education University of Hong Kong, CUHK, College of Professional and Continuing Education (The Hong Kong Polytechnic University) and many other different schools, where she taught various Japanese language and Japan-related courses.

She has lived in Japan for several years and enjoys discussing cultural issues with different people from multiple perspectives.


  • 黄 綺萍(2023)「日本語学習者の長短母音の習得における訂正フィードバックの効果―言語適性による個人差の影響に注目して― Influence of individual differences in language aptitude on the effectiveness of corrective feedback: the case of acquisition of Japanese phonemic vowel length」『日本学刊』26号, 40-55.
  •  Wong, Y. (2022). Focus on Form through Corrective Feedback: Effects on the Perception of Japanese Phonemic Vowel Length by L1 Cantonese-speaking Japanese Learners. Sophia Linguistica, 71, 1-22.

Conference Paper

  • Wong, Y. (2019). Categorization of Cantonese Lexical Tones by Japanese-speaking Novice Listeners and Learners of Chinese Mandarin. In Proceeding of International Conference on Phonetics and Phonology (ICPP) 2019. Tokyo, Japan.
  • Wong, Y. (2019). Perception of Cantonese lexical tones by Japanese non-learners and learners of Mandarin. In Proceedings of ICPhS 2019. Melbourne, Australia.