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Dr. Heidi LAW 羅安碧

Doctor of Education (University of Bristol), MA, BA (The Chinese University of Hong Kong)

Instructor I

Contact Information

Office: LI-2100
Phone:   (852) 3442 6589
Fax:   (852) 3442 0165
Email: heidilaw@cityu.edu.hk


  • Education Policy
  • Higher Education

Heidi worked in the field of business for a few years before joining CityU in late 2007. Having worked in the Department of Chinese, Translation and Linguistics, and the Department of Asian and International Studies, she is now teaching both language and cultural courses in the Language Center. She also organizes credit-bearing study tours to Japan every summer. The study tour has been designed as a full package, including pre-departure and post-tour workshops at CityU, and a 39-day educational tour at our partner institution, Kanagawa University. Her hobby is tablescaping and she attained her qualification at the Institute of Japanese Home Party Association.



  • Japanese Language
  • Japan and Cultural Globalisation

Recent Publications

  • “香港の高等教育機関で日本語を主専攻とする学生の学び:学習意欲とストラテジーのミスマッチ(Understanding the learning approach of Japanese Majors in Hong Kong – A mismatch between learning motive and strategy)”, in: 社会言語科学会第37回大会発表論文集, Japan, 19-20 March, 2016, pp.102-105.
  • “競争が激化する言語市場で日韓の教師が抱える葛藤を探る:香港における韓流とクールジャパンの争い”(Korean Wave versus Cool Japan in Hong Kong: Exploring challenges for Japanese and Korean language educators in the crowded market)”, In: The 10th International Symposium for Japanese Language Education and Japanese Studies Proceedings, Hong Kong, 15-16 November, 2014, pp, 186-190.
  • 日本語教育と日本研究における双方向性アプローチの実践と可能性, published by ココ出版, November, 2014. ISBN9784904595527. 994 pages (Co-edited with GABRAKOVA, D., SEO, M., AOYAMA, R., UDAGAWA, Y., GUO, Y.H., KWONG, Y.K., LEUNG, H.K.)
  • “Japanese Learners in Higher Education: What is their learning approach?” , Nihon Gakkan, Vol. 17, 2014, pp.30-43. (1st author with CHEUNG, H.Y.)
  • 新日本語能力試驗N4, N5 考試解題 , published by Hong Kong: The Commercial Press., ISBN9789620703232, 商務印書館(香港), 2012. 144 pages (Chief Editor, with AOYAMA, R.)