Irregular Verbs
Pronoun Case
Common Errors
Reading Skills
Subj/V Agreement
Parts of Speech
Word Form
The Deadly `ed'
"S" Problems
Transitivity of Verbs
Gerund / Infinitive
Re-expression I
Re-expression II
Sentence Analysis
Relative Pronouns
The Overall Quiz

The quizzes to the left are divided into three levels. Those in
  • blue are easy;
  • green are of intermediate level;
  • red are relatively difficult.
Click on any quiz and it will be displayed in a new window. Attempt all, or some, of the questions in the quiz and then click on the "check answers" button to see your score. These quizzes were originally written for use in class and so are not supplemented with explanations. Check with your teacher when you have problems with any terms. Please send comments to John Wong. Or open a user survey in a new window here.

Try some listening quizzes here.

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