Global business practices and global business worldviews inform and impact each other. This class addresses social, psychological, sociological, political, technological, economic, and scientific forces that drive revolutions and shifts in global business practices. We will discuss some revolutions in global business practices and address their origins, impacts, and implications while illustrating them with best global practices: What is the Steve Jobs Formula and why it works? How has Bill Gates reinvented Philanthropy? Is Starbucks green or greewashed? How does Google foster creativity by turning the office into a playground? How does HSBC operate as the world’s local bank? What might McDonalization and Cocacolonization of Hong Kong and the world look like?
CRN | Section | Term | Type | Capacity | Day | Time | Building | Room | Instructor |
14778 | 14778S01 | Seminar | 80 | Mon | 09:00-11:50 | LI | 1511 |