Chinese Civilisation-History and Philosophy
Semester A 2024/25
Semester B 2024/25
Summer 2025
University Requirements
Chinese (Cantonese/Putonghua) for the Chinese session and English for the English session for the non-local and non-Chinese speaking students.
Chinese for the Chinese session and English for the English session
B1, A1

The aims of the Chinese Civilisation-History and Philosophy course are to: (1) introduce basic knowledge of, and the key concepts and major events in, Chinese history and philosophy; (2) introduce methods of assessing source materials; (3) train students to think critically in historical and philosophical analysis and interpretation; and (4) help students to identify the ‘self’ in the modern world.

This course critically examines historical themes and philosophical concepts from a variety of perspectives. All large-class learning activities, tutorials, online discussions and field trips (optional) in the course cover select topics in Chinese history and philosophy. These topics have been chosen with the aim of helping students to identify the self and to better understand the relationship between individuals and the state and society.

CRN Section Term Type Capacity Day Time Building Room Instructor
1031010310C06Semester A 2024/25Lecture72Mon09:00-11:50YEUNGB4702
  • Dr. CHUI Lisa L S
1030910309C05Semester A 2024/25Lecture73Tue09:00-11:50YEUNGB4702
  • Dr. CHUI Lisa L S
1320913209C13Semester A 2024/25Lecture73Tue09:00-11:50YEUNGP4302
  • Mr. WONG King Chung
1030510305C02Semester A 2024/25Lecture73Tue12:00-14:50LI1511
  • Dr. CHEUNG Sharon W K
1321213212CB2Semester A 2024/25Lecture85Wed09:00-11:50LI1610
  • Ms. HUANG Zhuojun
1320813208C12Semester A 2024/25Lecture73Wed09:00-11:50YEUNGP4302
  • Mr. WONG King Chung
1030610306C03Semester A 2024/25Lecture73Wed09:00-11:50LI2513
  • Dr. CHEUNG Sharon W K
1321113211C15Semester A 2024/25Lecture73Wed12:00-14:50YEUNGY4302
  • Dr. LAM Hok Chung
1030410304C01Semester A 2024/25Lecture73Wed12:00-14:50LI1601
  • Dr. CHEUNG Sharon W K
1320713207C11Semester A 2024/25Lecture73Thu09:00-11:50YEUNGB4302
  • Mr. WONG King Chung
1071610716C09Semester A 2024/25Lecture73Thu12:00-14:50YEUNGP4701
  • Mr. LI Lin
1321013210C14Semester A 2024/25Lecture73Thu12:00-14:50YEUNGP4703
  • Dr. WONG Marianne P Y
1138211382CB1Semester A 2024/25Lecture53Thu15:00-17:50YEUNGLT-12
  • Dr. WANG Yiqiao
1321313213C16Semester A 2024/25Lecture73Thu15:00-17:50YEUNGG4302
  • Prof. CAO Nanlai
1031310313CA1Semester A 2024/25Lecture34Thu15:00-17:50YEUNGLT-12
  • Dr. WANG Yiqiao
1031210312C08Semester A 2024/25Lecture73Thu15:00-17:50YEUNGG4702
  • Dr. LAM Hok Chung
1031110311C07Semester A 2024/25Lecture74Fri12:00-14:50YEUNGG4302
  • Dr. QIAN Hua
1030810308C04Semester A 2024/25Lecture73Fri15:00-17:50YEUNGY4302
  • Dr. CHEUNG Sharon W K
1305913059C10Semester A 2024/25Lecture73Fri15:00-17:50YEUNGY4702
  • Dr. LO Kar Kee
1021710217C03Semester B 2024/25Lecture73Mon09:00-11:50YEUNGP4703
  • Dr. CHUI Lisa L S
1021510215C01Semester B 2024/25Lecture73Tue09:00-11:50LI1301
  • Dr. LO Kar Kee
1029610296C04Semester B 2024/25Lecture73Tue09:00-11:50YEUNGP4302
  • Dr. CHUI Lisa L S
1068410684C08Semester B 2024/25Lecture73Tue12:00-14:50LI3601
  • Mr. LI Lin
1320113201C16Semester B 2024/25Lecture73Tue12:00-14:50LI2513
  • Dr. QIAN Hua
1320013200C15Semester B 2024/25Lecture73Wed09:00-11:50LI3601
  • Dr. QIAN Hua
1068310683C07Semester B 2024/25Lecture73Wed09:00-11:50LI2513
  • Dr. LAM Hok Chung
1259912599CB1Semester B 2024/25Lecture80Wed12:00-14:50LI2614
  • Prof. LI Yiwen
1021610216C02Semester B 2024/25Lecture73Wed12:00-14:50LI1601
  • Dr. CHEUNG Sharon W K
1319913199C14Semester B 2024/25Lecture74Wed15:00-17:50LI1601
  • Dr. QIAN Hua
1396313963CB2Semester B 2024/25Lecture80Wed15:00-17:50LI1614
  • Dr. WANG Yiqiao
1319613196C11Semester B 2024/25Lecture73Thu09:00-11:50LI1511
  • Dr. LO Kar Kee
1319813198C13Semester B 2024/25Lecture73Thu09:00-11:50LI1601
  • Dr. NG Ka Ho
1510315103CB3Semester B 2024/25Lecture76Thu12:00-14:50LI1406
  • Prof. HUI Jonathan York Heng
1029810298C06Semester B 2024/25Lecture73Thu12:00-14:50LI1511
  • Dr. LAM Hok Chung
1319713197C12Semester B 2024/25Lecture73Thu15:00-17:50LI1511
  • Dr. NG Ka Ho
1103111031C10Semester B 2024/25Lecture73Thu15:00-17:50LI1406
  • Dr. CHEUNG Sharon W K
1068510685C09Semester B 2024/25Lecture73Fri09:00-11:50LI1406
  • Dr. LO Kar Kee
1029710297C05Semester B 2024/25Lecture73Fri12:00-14:50LI1301
  • Dr. LAM Hok Chung
1021510215C02Summer 2025Lecture82Mon09:00-11:50YEUNGLT-7
  • Mr. WONG King Chung
1033810338C03Summer 2025Lecture82Mon12:00-14:50YEUNGLT-7
  • Dr. QIAN Hua
1010810108C01Summer 2025Lecture82Mon15:00-17:50YEUNGLT-7
  • Mr. LI Lin
1021510215C02Summer 2025Lecture82Tue09:00-11:50YEUNGLT-7
  • Mr. WONG King Chung
1033810338C03Summer 2025Lecture82Tue12:00-14:50YEUNGLT-7
  • Dr. QIAN Hua
1010810108C01Summer 2025Lecture82Tue15:00-17:50YEUNGLT-7
  • Mr. LI Lin
Last Updated Time: 12-Mar-2025 08:49