This course is designed to provide students with intellectual tools to identify and approach moral choices in the business context. It also helps students to understand and resolve ethical dilemmas in the treatment of competitors, customers, clients, colleagues and the wider community, as well as in the collection and use of confidential and privileged information. Research on business ethics, cases related to real business problems, and experiential learning exercises will be used as the basis to accomplish the course objective. There will also be a group project devoted to examining specific practical issues in areas of business that are controversial. Students will survey different ethical theories that can be applied to decision-making in real organizations.
This course aims to
- To provide an overview of the key concepts and theories in business ethics
- To develop skills in applying those concepts and theories to understanding and analyzing various individual, interpersonal, group, and organizational processes underlying ethical behavior
- To provide hands-on practice with a number of critical skills such as case analysis and group work
- To improve various skills for behaving ethically in organizations, including critical thinking, interpersonal skills, and communication skills.