Prof. YU Xinge awarded RGC Research Fellow Scheme Prof. Gary FENG received 2022 Fuzzy Systems Pionner Award by IEEE Computational Intelligence Society Prof. SUN Dong received Second-class Award at Higher Education Outstanding Scientific Research Output Award (Science and Technology) Joint Scientific Experiments in Outer Space Prof. YU Xinge & Prof. HU Jinlian awarded in the 48th International Exhibition of Inventions Geneva Prof. LIU Lu awarded NSFC Excellent Young Scientists Fund (Hong Kong and Macao) Dr King LAI received Teaching Excellent Awards

Centre for Robotics and Automation (CRA)

Room Y6700, 6/F, Yellow Zone,
Yeung Kin Man Academic Building,
City University of Hong Kong,
83 Tat Chee Avenue,
Kowloon Tong, Hong Kong


Phone: (852) 3442-4699
Fax: (852) 3442-0172

News & Recent Achievements

Application for Research Degree Programmes

Research experience, with its training in logic and critical thinking, is necessary for many senior posts in industry; it is particularly valuable to those who plan to make their careers in research institutes, industrial research, teaching, or university life. We are opening application for research degree programmes (PhD/MPhil) all year around. For details, please feel free to visit here.

Prof. LIU Lu received Best Paper Award in Control at RCAR 2024

Prof. LIU Lu and her research team, including Postdoctoral Researcher Dr. HAO Yahui and PhD Student Ms. ZHENG Boyin, won the Best Paper Award in Control at the 2024 IEEE International Conference on Real-time Computing and Robotics. Their awarded paper, entitled "Event-Triggered Cooperative Robust Output Regulation for Nonlinear Multi-Agent Systems with Uncertain Exosystems," proposes a novel event-triggered internal model-based observer method to address uncertain exosystems. (Read more)

Prof. Gary Feng as one of the Highly Cited Researchers

Prof. Gary Feng has been selected as the Highly Cited Researcher in Engineering 2023 by the Highly Cited Researchers™ list from Clarivate™ that identifies scientists and social scientists who have demonstrated significant influence through publication of multiple highly cited papers during the last decade. (Read more)

Prof. HU Jinlian receives prestigious award in China’s engineering field

Congratulations to Prof. HU Jinlian on being conferred the 15th Guanghua Engineering Science and Technology Award by the Chinese Academy of Engineering (CAE) in recognition of her contributions in textile materials science. Established in 1996, the Guanghua Engineering Science and Technology Award is regarded as the prestigious award in the broad field of engineering science and technology in China. (Read more)

Prof. YU Xinge Awarded RGC Research Fellow Scheme

Congratulations to Prof. YU Xinge for receiving the award at the RGC Research Fellow Scheme (RFS) 2023/24. Prof. Yu received a fellowship grant of HK$5.2M for a period of 60 months for supporting his research project on Skin-Integrated and Multi-functional Closed Loop Human Machine Interface: Sensing, Actuation, and System Integration. (Read more)

Second-class Award at Higher Education Outstanding Scientific Research Output Award (Science and Technology)

Congratulations to Prof. SUN Dong for receiving the second-class award at the Higher Education Outstanding Scientific Research Output Awards (Science and Technology) on Natural Science Award 2022 which was established by the Ministry of Education. The research project is titled “Theory and Methodology of Magnetically Driven Microrobots for Precise Cell Delivery.” (Read more)