SEE4115 - Energy Catalysis and Reaction Engineering

Offering Academic Unit
School of Energy and Environment
Credit Units
Course Duration
One Semester
Course Offering Term*:
Semester A 2024/25

* The offering term is subject to change without prior notice
Course Aims

The course aims to educate students on the basic and creative aspects of Energy-related catalysis. By establishing necessary basics and fundamentals in reaction engineering, the course further looks into the core catalytic processes in typical oil and gas refineries, which are currently our biggest source of energy. Lectures will also be given on the production of ultraclean fuels through gas-to-liquid and coal-to-liquid processes, which hold the future of fossil fuel utilisation. Importantly, the future of fossil fuel and its integration as part of clean Energy future is discussed. This shall provide students with an unbiased and holistic view of fossil fuel utilisation. Further Energy-related catalytic processes such as that in fuel cells, photocatalytic water splitting, biofuel conversion and carbon dioxide reduction will also be taught. The knowledge gained from the course shall provide students with essential knowledge in innovative catalytic processes, as well as their importance in securing a clean energy future.

Assessment (Indicative only, please check the detailed course information)

Continuous Assessment: 100%
To pass a course, a student must do ALL of the following:
1) obtain at least 30% of the total marks allocated towards continuous assessment (combination of assignments, pop quizzes, term paper, lab reports and/ or quiz, if applicable);
2) obtain at least 30% of the total marks allocated towards final examination (if applicable); and
3) meet the criteria listed in the section on Assessment Rubrics.
Detailed Course Information
